Jesus on the couch – Essay on a divine bipolarity

2023-10-12 14:26:01

The life of Jesus through a psychological and psychoanalytic analysis of the character. Born to an unmarried mother who had undoubtedly fallen foul of the Roman occupiers, Jesus arrived in a Palestinian society divided and in the grip of profound religious changes. Revolts followed one another in an attempt to overthrow Herod, the bloodthirsty procurator appointed by Caesar. But, to regain freedom, it was also necessary to attack the real power, that held by the corrupt elite of the Temple of Jerusalem. Everyone awaited, with fervor, the “Messiah” who would be able to deliver them. Then establishing himself as Master of a group of disciples, our Savior had this almost diabolical idea of ​​a celestial being made of flesh, come to teach the divine “good word”. With the charisma of a leader and a great thaumaturge, he showed himself capable of performing wonders and defied the authorities. But it was at the cost of an incessant internal struggle and unspeakable moral suffering… Condemned to endure the agonies of the human condition, he died defeated by the forces of Evil or by his own weaknesses, in a sacrifice surpassing all rites Jews of the time. Then he rose from the dead and promised to return at the end of time to open the door to the eternal Kingdom for the righteous…

The author, Dominique Sanlaville, a former retired nurse, worked for more than 40 years in the psychiatry department and then in addictology at the Saint-Étienne University Hospital. He is the author of several works relating to psychiatry, columnist for the Nursing Association in Switzerland and for the Ascodocpsy documentary network in France.

• Jesus on the couch – Essay on a divine bipolarity, Dominique Sanlaville, Éditions Rue de Seine CABAN collection, October 2023, €19.90.

#Jesus #couch #Essay #divine #bipolarity



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