Is it wise to invest in stocks when the markets are hovering near their all-time highs? According to Vladimir Holovka, the trading director of brokerage firm XTB, those looking to grow their wealth over a few years should proceed with caution.”however, if the investment horizon is ten years or more, I would recommend it with a clear conscience,” Holovka states.He adds that markets have historically recovered from downturns, despite the economic challenges they’ve faced.
After Donald Trump’s victory, American stocks performed well. Do you think markets will continue to thrive during his second term as they did during his first? Is there a concrete reason for this?
Yes, I see a positive outlook, and here’s why. Firstly, markets have maintained an optimistic tone in recent years, even amidst events like the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war. There’s still ample capital on the markets waiting to be invested, which is the first point. Secondly, Donald Trump has a history of favoring Wall Street, as seen during his first presidency.He’s also preparing measures to bolster the U.S. economy, including fiscal stimulus, tax cuts, and protectionist policies to safeguard American companies.
You still have 90% of the article to read.
what else you’ll discover:
- How the markets will react to Donald Trump’s return.
- The role influencers play in selling investment products.
- What increased efforts by banks to offer individual stock investments mean for brokers.
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