Jessi Uribe did not want to sing because her shoes got dirty

Jessi Uribe’s fans stayed ‘with the crepes done’ in San Antonio, Tolima. Credits: Instagram / jessiuribe3.

popular music singer, Jessi Uribeis involved in a controversy, since apparently he did not want to sing in San Antonio, Tolima, so as not to get his muddy shoes dirty. Paola Jara revealed how her honeymoon was: it was the trip of my life.

Moments before the event, the bumangués canceled the presentation. Faced with such a decision, the mayor of the municipality, Jorge Iván Vásquez, took the stage to explain the reasons why Jessi Uribe did not sing.

The mayor accused the artist of not wanting to perform, as he did not want to get his muddy shoes dirty. Credits: Instagram / jessiuribe3.

“It was not the fault of the businessman, nor of the Mayor’s Office. Jessi Uribe did not want to sing because her shoes were muddy. I am showing my face and, one by one, we are going to return what they paid for the tickets”assured the mayor.

In turn, he added: “he canceled this event, Jessi Uribe looked at the conditions and says that he cannot sing, that he is sorry and it bothers him to get his shoes muddy to comply with the people of San Antonio, we are going to take legal action, Jessi Uribe and his production group They are faltons”.

For her part, Jessi Uribe decided to give her version of the events through a video, in which she shows all the effects caused by the water. She also said that she wanted to prevent a tragedy.

“I prefer that there is talk today of a postponed concert, than that there was talk of a tragedy due to irresponsibility in one of my concerts. I love you my people, I hope you understand me”he explained.

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The president denied Jessi Uribe’s statements about the conditions of the land and the platform: “I got the impression that Jessi lost her humility a bit, the demands are tremendous because she demands a specific sound, with a specific number of beats, among others”.

The rudeness of the singer was quite criticized on social networks, where you can read the following comments: “They are not real photos of the event, not even the man came to the event”, “you are not able to sing in a place because you dirty your shoes”, “unfulfilled”.

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