Jean-Pierre Foucault, in tears, on France 2: “I never knew why my father was shot in the street in the back”

2024-09-30 12:39:10

Enough to move the other guests of the show, the singer Anggun, in particular, hugging the host in her arms. The iconic presenter of Miss France, who recently suffered cardiac arrest, explaining that he was initially told that it was a “car accident”. “I imagined he was going to come back, on crutches, I don’t know. I waited for the door to open and my father to limp in and come towards me. Alas, he did not return.”

A disappearance which helped him “to do my job”

A tragedy which forever changed the life of Jean-Pierre Foucault, who became head of the family as a teenager. “At 14, I suddenly became an adult. My heart hardened. I became someone else, including at school. That’s why I started clowning, to avoid being asked the eternal question “why was your father shot in the street?”, it was constantly. I had had enough.” And continue. “And he helped me do my job.”

Before receiving the ward of the nation card (adoption by the nation): “What hurt me the most in my teenage life, and probably my sisters too, was when I received my ward of the nation card.” On this famous card, the words “Death for France” had been crossed out. “So my father died for nothing. And this card I threw away. I wanted to show France that I didn’t need to be adopted by them. I’ll manage on my own.”

And the one who is now also an actor, concludes on the fact that he still kept a trace of this traumatic event. “I have the letter that my father had when he died. It is stained with his blood. It is a relic, which is essential and important for me. I know it is there.” Today, the host thinks that the culprit must have been an associate of his father.

#JeanPierre #Foucault #tears #France #knew #father #shot #street



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