Jean Castex unveils the timetable for lifting the restrictions

The Prime Minister, Jean Castex, unveiled Thursday January 20, during a press conference, in Matignon, the timetable for the easing of the restrictions put in place to fight against the Covid-19 epidemic, in particular its fifth wave. , related to the Omicron variant. Three dates are to be remembered.

From January 24:

  • Entry into force of the vaccination pass for people aged 16 and over, subject to validation by the Constitutional Council

This vaccination pass will not be required in hospitals, nursing homes and medico-social establishments, said the Prime Minister. “The pass could very well be suspended if the epidemic pressure, and especially hospital pressure, were to be reduced significantly and durably: if our intensive care units no longer saw new patients arriving for several weeks, if our hospitals were no longer obliged to deprogram care, if the health pressure drops to the lowest”, also underlined Jean Castex.

  • Activation of the vaccination pass from the first dose

This activation will be possible under two conditions: that the second dose be injected in the following month and that a test be carried out within the previous twenty-four hours.

  • Opening of the booster dose to 12-17 year olds

This booster dose, which will not be compulsory for them to obtain a valid vaccination pass, was until now reserved for minors suffering from chronic illnesses.

From February 2:

  • End of the obligation to wear a mask outdoors, the obligation to telework three days a week, and gauges in places open to the public

As the head of government explained, the gauges imposed on performance halls and sports arenas will be abolished, the wearing of a mask will no longer be required outdoors and teleworking will no longer be compulsory in companies and administrations. It will however remain recommended on this date, underlined Jean Castex.

From February 16:

  • Reopening of nightclubs and resumption of standing concerts

Confined and often poorly ventilated places, the nightclubs had already been closed for sixteen months before they could reopen, subject to conditions, on July 9, 2021. Many European countries had done the same, but the professionals, although compensated by the State, protested by recalling that they represented 30,000 direct jobs in France. Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, added that at this stage the government did not plan to make it compulsory to present a negative test on entry in addition to the vaccination pass. “The law allows us to do so”, said the Minister, “but we don’t have the ambition to do it”.

  • Authorization of consumption in cinemas, and transport, but also in bars and restaurants, standing

Drinking standing in bars was banned from January 3. From February 16, it will also be possible again to eat in cinemas, stadiums and transport.

Read also: Our dashboard of the evolution of the epidemic in France and around the world

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