JD Vance Seeks to Overhaul Biden’s Immigration Policies

JD Vance Seeks to Overhaul Biden’s Immigration Policies

NEW YORK, New York.— This Sunday, during an interview for the American television network NBC Newsthe Republican candidate for vice president of the United States, JD Vanceadvocated for “undo” the immigration policy of the President’s Administration Joe Biden and to deport first the “most violent criminals”.

“If you want to take control of the illegal immigration problem, you have to stop the bleeding (…) and that means undoing everything that (the vice president) Kamala Harris “He did it practically on day one of the Administration,” the Ohio senator said on ‘Meet the Press.’

“You need to reinstate deportations, stop ‘catch and release,’ stop granting asylum to every person who comes and says they need asylum, and stop mass parole. Those policies are why we have the immigration crisis we have,” he said.

Vance was pressed on questions about whether the tough immigration policy proposed by his running mate, presidential candidate Donald Trumpwould lead to the separation of families, but he avoided answering, simply saying that “families are already being separated now.”

But he added that mass deportations, one of Trump’s campaign slogans, should “start with the most violent criminals in the country,” something on which “federal resources should be focused.”

Vance, who discussed other policies in the interview and called Democrats “anti-family,” also said that the Biden administration’s policies have left (immigrant) children living with drug dealers or sex traffickers, and advocated for “returning” them to their families.

He also said that the Department of Homeland Security is “underestimating” the number of illegal immigrants because the Democratic government has “changed the way people come into the country,” something he linked to lower numbers of entries at the southern border.

“Crossings at the southern border are lower because the Harris Administration is sending more immigrants through ports of entry,” he said, lashing out at the Democratic candidate: “I don’t want a border czar who makes it more efficient for illegal immigrants to enter this country.”

On other issues, Vance defended Trump’s protectionist economic vision, arguing that if tariffs are not imposed on companies that manufacture in China, Americans will suffer in the long term, and denied that the candidate would impose a federal ban on abortion.

He also hailed former independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s endorsement of Trump yesterday as further proof that the Republican Party is “an umbrella party,” but disagreed with him on issues such as his embrace of conspiracy theories about the Sept. 11 attacks.

RFK Jr., who gave an interview on Fox today, said his name will remain on the ballot in states that do not pose a threat to Trump’s candidacy and affirmed that Trump has “invited him to a unity government” and that he will “actively campaign” for him.

You may also be interested inr: “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspends his campaign for US presidency and supports Donald Trump”

#Vance #proposes #undo #Joe #Bidens #immigration #policy
2024-09-11 00:36:31

What ⁢led JD Vance‌ to backtrack on his claims about Haitian ⁤immigrants ‌and pet eating?

JD ⁢Vance’s Controversial Immigration Stance and Recent Backtrack on Haitian⁢ Immigrants

In a recent interview with NBC News, Republican vice-presidential candidate JD Vance advocated for the reversal of President Joe Biden’s immigration policy and the deportation ⁣of “most violent criminals” [[1]]. Vance, who is running​ alongside Donald Trump, proposed a tough immigration policy, which includes stopping catch and‌ release, granting asylum to⁣ every person ​who claims to need it, and mass parole. He argued⁢ that these policies are the root cause of the ​immigration‍ crisis in the United States.

However, Vance’s stance on immigration has been marred by controversy.‍ He has been widely criticized for spreading a false claim that ‍Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, are eating pets. The claim has been debunked by police, who have stated that they have no information ⁤to support this claim [[2][3]].

In a surprising turnaround, Vance has since acknowledged that the rumors⁤ of Haitian immigrants stealing and eating pets⁣ might be unfounded. He stated that “it’s possible” that the claims are false[[[[[[[[[3]]. This backtrack‌ has raised questions ⁣about ⁣Vance’s credibility and willingness to spread misinformation to further his political agenda.

Vance’s proposal to prioritize‌ the deportation of “most violent criminals” has also sparked concerns about the potential for family separation. When pressed ⁢on the issue, Vance dodged the question, stating that families are already being separated under the current administration [[1]].

The Republican vice-presidential candidate has also made headlines for his comments‌ on the Democratic administration’s handling ⁤of immigration.⁤ He claimed that the Department of Homeland Security is underestimating the number of illegal immigrants due to changes in the way people enter the country ⁣ [[1]].

In ⁢addition to his stance‌ on immigration, Vance has defended Trump’s protectionist economic vision and⁣ denied that the candidate would impose a federal ban on abortion‍ [[1]]. ‍He has also hailed the endorsement of Trump by former ‌independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as proof that‍ the Republican ⁤Party is an‌ “umbrella party” [[1]].

The controversy surrounding Vance’s comments on ​Haitian immigrants ​and his backtrack on the issue have sparked a wider conversation about the importance of verifying information ⁤and avoiding‍ the ⁤spread of misinformation. As the political landscape continues ⁢to ‍evolve, it remains to be seen how ⁣Vance’s stance on immigration and other issues will impact his campaign and ⁢the broader political discourse.





**PAA Related Questions for “Debunking False Claims: JD Vance’s Baseless Assertions on Haitian Immigrants”**

Debunking False Claims: JD Vance’s Baseless Assertions on Haitian Immigrants

In a recent interview, Republican candidate for vice president, JD Vance, made some alarming and unsubstantiated claims about Haitian immigrants. He falsely asserted that they are harming pets, eating them, and committing violent crimes. However, these claims have been thoroughly debunked by fact-checkers and local authorities.

According to a report by NBC News [[1]], police in Springfield, Ohio, have received no credible reports of immigrants, including Haitians, harming pets. This directly contradicts Vance’s baseless claim, which he has repeatedly made on social media and in public appearances.

Furthermore, a Facebook video by CNN News 18 [[2]]also found Vance’s claim to be false, citing a lack of evidence to support his assertions. Trump campaign and JD Vance have been promoting false rumors about Haitian immigrants, which have been widely debunked by fact-checkers and experts[[[3]].

It’s essential to note that Vance’s claims are not only false but also harmful, as they contribute to the creation of a toxic and xenophobic environment. By spreading misinformation and perpetuating negative stereotypes, Vance and others like him are undermining the very fabric of our society.

JD Vance’s baseless claims about Haitian immigrants have been thoroughly debunked by credible sources. It’s crucial that we rely on verifiable evidence and fact-check information before sharing or believing it, especially when it comes to sensitive and divisive topics like immigration.


[1] https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/jd-vance-ohio-police-no-reports-haitian-immigrants-harming-pets-rcna170271

[2] https://www.facebook.com/cnnnews18/videos/jd-vance-repeats-baseless-claim-haitian-immigrants-are-eating-pets-as-ohio-offic/392032330594427/

[3] https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/09/politics/republicans-vance-hatian-immigrants-pets-rumors/index.html



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