JAXA SLIM Rover Upside Down Landing on Moon’s Surface: Photos and Updates

2024-01-27 09:00:13
The Japanese Exploration Agency (JAXA) reported that the “SLIM” rover turned upside down while landing on the moon’s surface.

The agency indicated that the vehicle landed 55 meters east of the landing point where it was planned to land on the surface of the moon. “We believe we have succeeded in demonstrating the landing technique with an accuracy of up to 100 metres,” she said.

(JAXA) also published pictures taken by “SLIM” immediately after it landed on the surface of the moon. These pictures showed several rocks present on the surface of the moon, and experts gave a name to each of them.

Since SLIM landed upside down, it cannot obtain electricity from the solar panels in it, so experts turned off some of the device’s systems to save energy, and wait until the angles of light incidence change, after which the solar panels can start working.

The Japanese lunar rover landed on the surface of the moon on January 19, and after some time had passed, specialists on Earth were able to contact it. With the landing of SLIM, Japan became the fifth country in history (after the United States, Russia, China, and India) to have a rover land on the surface of the moon. . (Russia Today)

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