Javier Milei’s Congressional Speech: Highlights and Insights

2024-09-16 01:26:00

In the presence of Senate President Esequiel Atos, Vice President Victoria Villaruel, House Speaker Martin Menem and House Budget and Finance Committee Chairman José Luis Espelt, Javier Milei read out his 2025 budget speech in front of a half-empty venue. His speech on the national network focused on:

Summary of Milley’s speech: “We are here to limit the state”

Javier Millay explained: “Today we are here to present a national budget project that will forever change the history of our country so that we can return to the great Argentina we once were. Years later “The political class makes a living by restricting individual freedoms, and today we are here to impose restrictions on the state.”.

“This budget item we are introducing here today has a Ways to protect fiscal balance regardless of economic conditions. This means that, regardless of macroeconomic changes, the fiscal outcomes for the country’s public sector will be balanced. This set of fiscal shields opens a new chapter in our history, unknown from now on. Argentina will be solvent from now onthereby reducing national risk, interest rates, thereby increasing investment, productivity, real wages, and ultimately reducing poverty and poverty.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

Furthermore, he explained: “I am here for two reasons other than being the Minister of Economy. I am the first economist president of Argentina. I’m proud of it. The second one is because Let me present a project that is very different from the others. “The most radical in our history.”

Photo: Pablo Quattrolo

Development: “We will veto all projects that threaten the fiscal balance”

The liberal president commented that “the national budget is not just another law; This is the law of the law and our roadmap for setting management priorities. The cornerstones of this budget are the first truths of healthy public administration, which have been downgraded in Argentina for many years: zero deficit”.

“Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. who doesn’t likeCristina Kirchner asks: “The sad history of what Argentinian politicians and analysts call ‘economic policy’ is nothing more than Systematic infringement of citizens’ property”. “In Argentina, there can be no more taxes, It is the country with the highest taxes world,” he said.

“We will veto any project that threatens our fiscal balance. We do this because we will not be complicit in deceiving the Argentine people into adopting populist measures. We will only discuss cost increases when we explain what programs are being cut to pay for them,” the liberal president said, rebutting in a speech to Congress: ““The more votes a program gets in Congress, the worse it is for society.”

“Argentina has had fiscal deficits in 113 of the past 123 years. The ten years we had no deficit were because everything collapsed and we defaulted. Almost 100% of governments throughout our modern history have failed to adhere to this basic economic truth and passed the bill on to ordinary Argentines time and time again. This will be the first year in Argentina’s history that it will achieve a default-free fiscal surplus. It would be better if there was no management“He said to himself.

Budget Photo: Pablo Quattrolo

The role of the state and the crossing points of Kirchnerism

“For ordinary Argentines, nothing impoverishes them more than fiscal deficits. And nothing enriches politicians more than fiscal deficits.” The role of public spending in caste patterns is a sad one”, he argued and listed: “Management is about cleaning up BCRA’s balance sheet and disarming the debt bomb we inherited. Stewardship is about reducing public spending as we do. Governance is about approving the biggest legislative overhaul in recent years. As I said, management just doesn’t know how to use GDE Sergio Massa. “Management is about eliminating the middlemen who profit from poverty and eliminating pickets.”

“We’re going to change the way we budget. You’ve been thinking about how much to spend. We’re proposing an unbreakable rule for all budgets from now on. I invite you to join me in clearing X and understanding what it means.” It’s about. “You can abstain because it is difficult to add,” the opposition lawmaker noted.So the audience in the box sang “Caste Afraid.”

The state does not have to be the nanny who takes care of everything. When a country takes on tasks that do not correspond to it, it ultimately fails to fulfill its corresponding responsibilities. So we have a 50% poverty rate, no supplies in public hospitals, and slow justice. at the same time, Millions of dollars were wasted on concerts for 300 people, routes to nowhere, public facilities for militants. Second“Kirchnerism does stupid things”once again angered the opposition. Throughout the speech, there was a constant exchange of accusations and deceptions between the public and the box.

Budget Photo: Pablo Quattrolo

Milley’s message to governors and lawmakers’ definition: ‘Rat’

Number“This war we are waging against public spending and costs in Argentina is fought on all fronts in the country. To this end, I tell the governors: to fulfill the commitment to reduce consolidated public spending to 25 percentage points of GDP, ask the provinces to make additional adjustments in total $60 billion. We have done our part. Now you are missing,” he scolded the governors.

Then, the president dared to confront lawmakers inside Congress. “It will be up to the citizens to house them On the road of justice or in the corner of the miserable rat They make a bet with the country and its people,” he predicted.

End of Milley’s speech: “Long live freedom, damn it”

“I believe The Hon’ble House will debate the budget items with the required seriousness. May God bless Argentines and may the forces of heaven be with us. Long live freedom, damn it. Long live freedom, damn it. Long live freedom, damn it,” the president repeated, to which his officials responded enthusiastically. The speech lasted just over 40 minutes.

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#Highlights #Javier #Milleys #Congressional #Speech

– What are the key proposals in Javier Milei’s 2025 budget‌ speech to limit the state’s influence in Argentina?

Javier Milei’s Historic 2025‍ Budget Speech: Limiting the State ‌and Unleashing Argentina’s Potential

On a‌ landmark day in Argentine history, Javier Milei, the country’s first economist president, presented his 2025 budget speech‌ to ​a half-empty⁣ venue, outlining a radical new approach to fiscal management and governance. With Senate President Esequiel Atos, Vice President Victoria Villaruel, House Speaker Martin Menem, and House Budget and Finance Committee Chairman José Luis Espelt in attendance, Milei’s speech signaled a departure from ​the country’s tumultuous⁣ past⁤ and a bold⁢ step towards a more solvent⁤ and prosperous future.

A New Era of Fiscal Responsibility

Milei’s​ speech ⁢focused on the need to ⁢limit​ the state’s ‌influence and protect individual freedoms, ‍which have been⁤ restricted by the political class for far too long. He emphasized that the‍ proposed budget would ensure‌ fiscal balance,⁢ regardless of economic conditions, thereby ⁤reducing national‌ risk, interest ⁢rates, and‌ poverty. This new approach would open a new chapter in Argentina’s history, making it a ⁤solvent nation with a bright future ahead.

The Cornerstones of a​ Healthy Public Administration

Milei highlighted the importance of ⁢a balanced budget, ‌which has been absent in Argentina for many years. He stressed that the national budget⁤ is not just ‍another law,‍ but the law of the land, and the roadmap for setting​ management priorities. The liberal president reiterated that his administration would veto any⁣ project ​that threatens the fiscal balance, refusing to be ​complicit in populist measures that deceive the Argentine people.

A History of ⁣Fiscal Deficits and a Call to Action

– What are the key points of Javier Milei’s 2025 budget speech regarding state influence in Argentina?

Javier Milei’s 2025 Budget Speech: A New Era of Limiting State Influence in Argentina

In a historic moment, Javier Milei, the liberal president of Argentina, presented his 2025 budget speech to Congress, outlining a radical new approach to limiting the state’s influence in the country. The speech, attended by Senate President Esequiel Atos, Vice President Victoria Villaruel, House Speaker Martin Menem, and House Budget and Finance Committee Chairman José Luis Espelt, marked a significant shift in Argentina’s economic policy.

Summary of Milley’s Speech: “We are here to limit the state”

In his speech, Milei emphasized the need to restrict the state’s influence, stating that “the political class makes a living by restricting individual freedoms, and today we are here to impose restrictions on the state.” He further explained that the 2025 budget project aims to return Argentina to its former glory, ensuring fiscal balance and solvency.

Development: “We will veto all projects that threaten the fiscal balance”

Milei’s speech highlighted the importance of fiscal responsibility, stating that the national budget is not just another law, but “the law of the law and our roadmap for setting management priorities.” He emphasized the need for a zero-deficit policy, vetoing any projects that threaten fiscal balance.

The Role of the State and the Crossing Points of Kirchnerism

Milei criticized the current economic policy, labeling it as “systematic infringement of citizens’ property.” He argued that inflation is a monetary phenomenon, and that Argentina has the highest taxes in the world. He vowed to veto any project that threatens fiscal balance, stating that “we will not be complicit in deceiving the Argentine people into adopting populist measures.”

Milley’s Message to Governors and Lawmakers: Definition – ‘Rat’

In a bold move, Milei addressed governors and lawmakers, stating that “the more votes a program gets in Congress, the worse it is for society.” This statement has sparked controversy, with many interpreting it as a criticism of the current political system



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