Javier Milei will meet with Elon Musk and visit the Tesla factory in Texas

President Javier Miley He will be this Saturday in Texas, in the United States, where he will meet with the billionaire Elon Musk and will visit the factory Tesla. It will be the first face-to-face meeting between the two, since until now they have only communicated by telephone.

As Ámbito announced, the President will travel tonight to the United States, specifically to Miami, where he will be recognized as “International Ambassador of Light” for the community Jabad Lubavitchin the new Chabadist center of Bal Harbour.

The president will travel with his sister, Karina Milei, Rabbi Shimon Wahnish and businessman Gerardo Werthein, nominated for the embassies of Israel and the United States respectively. The General Secretary of the Presidency will also receive the distinction given to Javier Milei by the entity that supports former president Donald Trump.

But the trip will finally not end there as it will continue on American soil with a stop through Austin (Texas) to meet the millionaire owner of Tesla, SpaceX, Starlink, Neuralink, and the social network X (ex Twitter), Milei’s favorite to communicate publicly.

After that trip, Milei will travel to Denmark to hold a formal meeting with Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, before the signing of the contract for the 24 F16 aircraft destined for the Air Force.

International tour: Javier Milei’s agenda in the US and Denmark

Mars 9/04:

10:40 p.m.: Departure of the President towards the City of Miami.

Wednesday 04/10:

08:00 (Argentina time): Arrival in Miami.

19:45: Presentation of the “International Ambassadors of Light” distinction to President Javier Milei and the General Secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei, at “The Shul, Our Jewish Home” Synagogue of Chabad Lubavitch.

Thursday 04/11:

10:30: Meeting with the President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Ilan Goldfajn.

4:00 p.m.: Dissertation at the Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy (FIU).

Saturday 13/04:

(Schedule to be confirmed) Visit to the Tesla Giga Texas Factory and meeting with Elon Musk, in Austin, Texas.

Trip to Denmark

Monday 04/15:

(Schedule to be confirmed) Possible activity with the Authority of the Kingdom of Denmark.

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Mars 16/04:

(Schedule to be confirmed) Agreement Ceremony for the acquisition of F-16 fighter aircraft. Aerial demonstration.

Wednesday 04/17:

06:25 Arrival at Ezeiza International Airport.

How Javier Milei’s international agenda continues

The President plans to travel to next June Ukrainewhose president, Volodímir Zelenskivisited Buenos Aires for the inauguration of the libertarian leader last December.

His visit to Ukraine will be part of a tour that will include Spain, Germany and France. On the first stop of his trip, the president will arrive at Madrid to receive the prize Juan de Marianawhich has been given since 2007 to personalities linked to liberal thought.

Meanwhile, in Germany will receive a second distinction, that of Friedrich Hayekwho was an Austrian economist, jurist and philosopher, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1974 and one of the most important exponents of the Austrian School, to which Milei adheres. There she will see Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Along the same lines, it is planned that in France meets President Emmanuel Macron.

Although it is not yet confirmed, it is possible that Javier Milei will attend the G7 summit, which will take place in June in Italy. It is worth remembering that Milei met in February with the prime minister of that country, Georgia Meloniwho referred to the Argentine as “fascinating.”

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