Javier Milei on the case of Alberto Fernández: “This is an aberration that deserves the harshest punishment”

2024-09-02 02:01:00

President Javier Miley He calls the judicial case against Alberto Fernandez “abnormal” for the gender-based violence against his ex-partner Fabiola Yañez, saying it seemed “typically Kirchnerist”. “This does seem to be an unusual thing to me, Typical KirchneristNo? Look at all the problems you have encountered, including this case and this case [José] Alperovich, Fernando Espinosa, [Ezequiel] Guazzola,” Mire listed in an interview with the channel Liquid Nitrogen+.

“They have problems everywhere, and then, They are said to be great defenders of the genre’s flag” asked the president. He also pointed to the alleged lover of the former president, stating: “The third party in the dispute has a contract with the state.

Mi Lai remembers The investigation into Alberto Fernandez “began for reasons of corruption promoted by his Human Capital Ministry” “From there arises the issue of gender violence and, in addition, there are a lot of aggravating factors because it has the aggravating factors of being a partner, position, power, physical differences… So it is an aberration that deserves the harshest punishment,” he said.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

Mire denies problems with Vice President Victoria Villarreal

In the same interview, Javier Mire denies problems with vice presidentVictoria Villarruel recalled that he chose her “not as a package.” “We agree on some things, but when a person faces a decision, I have my ministers, I have my advisers, but the final shot is yours to decide. I was alone in this decision-making process.because at the end of the road, it’s me who faces society,” he said.

“The first thing to understand is that when I selected Villaruel as my running mate, I chose the top major, I didn’t choose the packagebecause it looks good on the ballot. I made a completely conscious choice to mean she has her own agendathere’s nothing wrong with that,” he pointed out. Villaruel “had her story, her life’s struggle. She shouldn’t have given up on any of her career,” he said.

“I don’t think there’s any problem. We’ll have to see if she wants to stay with me.Remember, tango is danced in pairs,” he points out. Regarding his disagreement with Ariel Lijo’s candidacy for the Supreme Court, he said: “It’s not a serious matter because she doesn’t vote. So she’s giving Personal opinion, no impact Relating to the selection of court judges.

Millay on Mauricio Macri and Santiago Caputo

Javier Milai confirms that his relationship with Mauricio Macri is “very good”, but also takes the opportunity to deceive: “The fiscal deficit at the Treasury when he took office was very similar to the one we received, and For four years, he hasn’t solved the problem. In fact, due to liquefaction, its primary deficit is zero. The core central axis of all problems for Argentines is fiscal problem, it’s not even close to solving it. Not to mention the problem with the BCRA, which is a bomb for the future dollar,” he explained.

Regarding the links between Libertad Avanza and the PRO, Milais expected that he would “begin to coordinate” in which he himself would “begin to participate more actively in political issues”. “The natural result is a deadlock; But it’s a process we have to start walking first. “You can’t ask me to run like Usain Bolt when we haven’t started crawling yet,” he clarified.

According to Milley, they hit Caputo because “they didn’t have the guts to confront me directly.”

Additionally, the president once again defended his adviser Santiago Caputo: “I don’t think it concentrates too much power. I’m a friend from San Diego. I’m more than a friend. I think of it as part of the iron triangle that consists of my sister Santiago and me. Not only that. As if that were not enough, he is a man of above average intelligence,” he commented.

They used it to create the image of the black monk. Keep people from taking feints. The figure of the black monk was created by them to attack me indirectly. Because they didn’t have the courage to confront me directly and didn’t want others to see this, they hit him or my sister. In fact, those who do this are cowards because they don’t want to face me because they know they lost,” he added.

The President said SIDE and journalism

In the same interview Sunday night, the president continued to deny SIDE’s involvement in document requests in cases of illegal espionage reported during the Macri administration. “We are reorganizing the intelligence community in a different way than other governments have done. They use it to spy on people, persecute opponents, put people aside, slander people… We don’t have this idea“He promised.

“We need an intelligence system that serves national defense and responds to cyberattacks. Terrorism and drug trafficking both intersect with cyber issues,” said Mire and He announced that the government would “insist” on retaining funding for SIDEthe DNU was rejected by Congress. “If something happens to me, or if there’s an attack in this country, It’s bicameralism’s fault”, across liberals.

On the other hand, the president has deepened his rejection of journalism and believes that communication workers should be “on the same playing field” as politicians. “If you will, I ask Congress to pass a law stating that journalists are politically exposed persons. They make sworn statements and they may be subject to public ridicule in the same way that journalists are subject to the rest of society“, he offered. “There are cases where journalists sit in front of businessmen and they throw folders at them and if they don’t give them that much money, they will expose them. It’s all lies. “They made a lot of money,” he explained, criticizing: “They started crying and talking about free speech.”

Milei mentioned LLA crisis in Congress

The head of state said “The real adjustment is paid for by politics,” but he acknowledged there was “political noise.”. However, he believed the “noise” was generated because his management “involved changes in direction that have been made over the past 100 years”. In recent weeks, in addition to being rejected for a plan to fund SIDE and approving plans to increase pensions, the Liberals have also had to sack a representative who denounced genocideists who visited Ezeiza, and a representative who flatly rejected Santiago Caputo and Liho nominated senator.

Regarding pro-government lawmakers who question the government’s decisions, Mire said: “In effect, we are expelling them from the industry. Lourdes Arrieta fired over false complaint We don’t think it’s acceptable to go against one’s colleagues. Paul Troni’s attitude is clearly inconsistent with the position he holds. This is not a small difference, Villaruel does not vote, he votes, which is irresponsible because if Paolo Troni is not attached to my ballot, he has no chance of getting the seat, “he explained.

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#Javier #Milei #case #Alberto #Fernández #aberration #deserves #harshest #punishment



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