Javier Milei Presents His First Budget: A Pivotal Chapter in His Leadership Journey

2024-09-16 10:21:08

President Javier Milei presented the project this Sunday Budget Act 2025 The speech had a political tone, was devoid of economic details, and focused on fiscal balance as an integral basis for Argentina‘s recovery.

The president defended liberal policies and his stewardship as head of the executive branch as he renewed his attacks “Political casteand attacks the opposition with a focus on Kirchnerism.

The Head of State stressed that he decided to appear in person to present the first budget of his government because, in his opinion, “The fate of a people depends on the economic decisions they make.”

Wearing a presidential sash and carrying a baton, the president arrived in parliament after 9pm, accompanied by Karina Milei, secretary-general of the presidential office. Received by Vice President Victoria Villarruel, House Speaker Martin Menem, Liberal Alliance Party Chairman José Luis Espete and Senate Party Chairman Esequiel Atos.

The podium from which he spoke was located in front of the Speaker’s lectern. Recreate the same scene on March 1 When the ordinary meeting begins.

The main states behind him are Villaruel, Menem, Atosh, Espete, Economy Minister Luis Caputo and Finance Minister Carlos Guberman. The final two will be tasked with defending the project in the coming weeks.

After the national anthem played, Mire began to speak 40 minutes, It was a far cry from the hour-and-a-half it first took place, and the venue looked half-empty as opposition lawmakers were absent.

There is one outside the parliament Police act cautiously Given that there was no mobilization supported by liberal groups and no opposition from the opposition, it was held in Rivadavia Street.

The entrance to the palace is closely guarded by agents from the PSA (Airport Security Police) and the Police Department. Boxes usually reserved for accredited media were closed.

The reporters were rushed to a nearby location, And for safety reasons, Casa Militar decided to keep their usual venue closed.

The remaining available private rooms were packed with guests. One of the centers has Milei’s parents (Norberto and Alicia) and her partner Amalia “Yuyito” González.

On the tray on the right sits the minister and secretary: Guillermo franks (Chief of Staff) Patricia has recovered. burridge (Safety), Louis petry (Defense), Mario Russo (Cheers), Mariano Cuneo Libarona (Justice), Federico Stulzinger (National Transformation and Deregulation) and Presidential Spokesperson Manuel Adoniwait. Officials from the economic field were also present, including José Luis, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy. DazaCentral Bank Governor Santiago Bausili and AFIP President Florencia Misrahi.

Some 28 PRO representatives They accompanied the presentation and will support the project in principle, on the only condition that the city of Buenos Aires re-engages.

Apart from the Left Front and senators from the Fatherland Alliance, they did not attend so as not to confirm what they considered a “circus”, No one participated either, All neighborhoods were represented. PRO Senatorial District Chief Luis Juez sat in the front row.

Senators from the Fatherland Alliance decided not to attend the speech, but one member was present, Guillermo Andrada, In the province of Catamarca, this could be interpreted as a political signal from the Peronist governor Raul Jalil.

A fact that cannot be ignored is that UCR senators were absent. Mr Millay challenged the DNU last week when they rejected the DNU’s decision to increase funding set aside for intelligence. On the other hand, there were representatives of the parliament, headed by Rodrigo de Loredo from Córdoba.

No judicial officers were present; Especially not from the Supreme Court, and not from the governor.

one of the hottest moments During the presentation, Mire summoned representatives of the Fatherland Alliance and ordered the group’s leader, Germán Martinez, to “pay attention.” When chants came from the box, Martinez responded to the shouts: “Caste is Fear, “caste fear”.

Many passages from his speeches, Milai read them with a defiant look on his face Towards a Homeland Alliance. “They are not coming back!” liberal lawmaker Juliana Santillán shouted at one point.

He also listed a series of actions that he considered the government’s “achievements” He attributed these to “management” Alluding to some issues particularly coming from the Macriist sector.

Likewise, space is left to respond to former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, repeating her title phrase: “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” CFK recently cast doubt on this theory after proposing dual monetarism for the Argentine economy at an event in Melo.

Following the approval of the college financing bill this week, Milley sent a clear message to Congress: “We will veto all projects that threaten our fiscal balance Because we will not be complicit in deceiving Argentines with populist measures.

He added: “The only situation where we would agree to discuss a fee increase is if the order clearly states which items must be reduced to cover the fee.”

In another part of his speechMire says Argentina can regain ability to gain credit From the perspective of macroeconomic order.

The president underlined his liberal vision in the concept of the nation, insisting: “The fundamental thing a nation-state needs to do is to ensure macroeconomic stability. and the rule of law. point”.

In this sense, he emphasized: “Other issues can be solved through the market or left to local (provincial) governments.”

Milai also emphasized that we are experiencing changes in the times, stressing that “Argentines are a rebellious nation, tired of the incitement of politicians.”. We are at a critical moment in Argentina’s history. “Don’t underestimate him.”

In this sense, he urged members of the National Congress to support his initiative, which he considered “Completely opposite” A method used throughout the country’s economic history because it starts with the budget balance and then allocates the remaining items.

“Dear members of Congress, please know that it is up to you to decide which side of history you want to be on.

Then it will be the citizens who place them on the high road of justice, or in the corner of villains who are betting against the country and the people.The president finished.

#Javier #Milei #launches #budget #fate #hangs #balance

Stability through prudent fiscal management.

President Javier Milei ⁤Presents Budget Act 2025: A Call for Fiscal Balance and Liberal Policies

On⁤ a pivotal Sunday,‍ Argentine President Javier Milei presented the Budget ⁤Act 2025 to ‌the National ‌Congress, emphasizing ⁢the importance of fiscal balance and liberal policies⁤ in Argentina’s ‍recovery. The president’s speech was marked by a strong political tone, criticism of the ​opposition, and ⁤a defense of his administration’s stewardship.

A Focus on Fiscal Balance

President Milei​ stressed that the fate of a nation depends⁣ on the economic⁤ decisions it ⁣makes. He reiterated his commitment to ensuring macroeconomic

– What are the key features of Argentina’s 2025 Budget Act presented by President Javier Milei?

Argentina’s President Javier Milei Unveils 2025 Budget Act: A Focus on Fiscal Balance and Liberal Policies

In a highly anticipated move, President Javier Milei presented the 2025 Budget Act on Sunday, emphasizing the importance of fiscal balance as the foundation for Argentina’s economic recovery. The speech, which was often criticized for lacking economic details, took on a distinctly political tone as Milei attacked the opposition, particularly Kirchnerism, and touted liberal policies as the way forward.

A Shift in Focus: FROM Economic Crisis to Fiscal Balance

The President’s address marked a significant shift in focus from the economic crisis that has plagued Argentina for years to the need for fiscal balance as a precursor to economic growth. Milei stressed that the fate of the nation depends on the economic decisions made by its leaders, underscoring the importance of responsible governance.

A Contentious Speech: Attacks on the Opposition and Kirchnerism

The President’s speech was not without controversy, as he launched scathing attacks on the opposition, particularly Kirchnerism. Milei’s critics have accused him of using divisive rhetoric to distract from the country’s pressing economic issues. The speech was met with widespread criticism from opposition lawmakers, who were conspicuously absent from the parliament during the presentation.

The 2025 Budget Act: A Liberal Agenda

Milei’s budget proposal reflects his commitment to liberal policies, which he believes are essential for Argentina’s economic revival. The President has long advocated for free-market reforms, deregulation, and privatization, which are expected to feature prominently in the 2025 Budget Act.

The Politics of Fiscal Balance

The President’s emphasis on fiscal balance reflects his administration’s commitment to reducing the country’s fiscal deficit, which has been a major obstacle to economic growth. Milei has pledged to reduce the deficit through a combination of spending cuts and revenue increases, a move that is likely to be met with resistance from opposition lawmakers.

A Show of Support: Milei’s Allies in Parliament

Despite the controversy surrounding the speech, Milei was flanked by key allies in parliament, including Vice President Victoria Villarruel, House Speaker Martin Menem, and Economy Minister Luis Caputo. The presence of these high-profile supporters underscores the President’s ability to rally support for his policies, even in the face of opposition.

The Road Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities

The 2025 Budget Act marks a critical juncture in Argentina’s economic development. With Milei’s liberal policies at the forefront, the country is poised for a significant shift in economic direction. While the road ahead will undoubtedly be fraught with challenges, the President’s commitment to fiscal balance and liberal reforms offers a glimmer of hope for Argentina’s economic future.

Key Takeaways:

President Javier Milei presents the 2025 Budget Act, emphasizing fiscal balance as the foundation for Argentina’s economic recovery.

The speech takes on a distinctly political tone, with attacks on the opposition and Kirchnerism.

Milei touts liberal policies as the way forward, highlighting the need for free-market reforms, deregulation, and privatization.

The President’s commitment to fiscal balance reflects his administration’s pledge to reduce the country’s fiscal deficit.

* The 2025 Budget Act marks a critical juncture in Argentina’s economic development, with Milei’s liberal policies at the forefront.

Optimized Keywords: Javier Milei, 2025 Budget Act, Argentina, fiscal balance, liberal policies, economic recovery, Kirchnerism, opposition, parliament, economy, free-market reforms, deregulation, privatization.



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