Javier Milei of Argentina Gains Senate Support for Ambitious Economic Overhaul

Javier Milei of Argentina Gains Senate Support for Ambitious Economic Overhaul

2024-06-13 12:28:19

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Argentina’s senate has narrowly approved a pair of wide-ranging reform bills that give President Javier Milei a badly needed first legislative victory amid rising economic and political pressures six months into his term.

Senate president Victoria Villarruel, Argentina’s vice-president, used a casting vote to give overall approval to the first bill, which includes incentives for investments, a plan to privatise some state companies and an expansion of presidential powers over some economic policy.

A separate bill aiming to trim Argentina’s fiscal deficit was also approved on Thursday, although lawmakers struck down a key article aiming to restore income tax for high earners after it was scrapped last year.

Both bills were heavily watered down from the government’s original proposals in a bid to pass the senate. They both face a final vote in the lower house, where some senate amendments could be reversed, but they are now highly likely to become law.

“This is a triumph for the Argentine people and the first step towards recovering our greatness,” the president’s office said in a statement after the vote.

Milei, who controls less than 15 per cent of congressional seats, has so far relied on executive power to slash public spending and deregulate Argentina’s economy by decree. Analysts have said he needs to pass longer-term legislative reform to restore investor confidence and pull the country out of a severe economic crisis that has driven annual inflation to 289 per cent.

“Without [these bills] the next months would have been very turbulent both for markets and political conflicts,” said Lorena Giorgio, chief economist at consultancy Equilibra. “With it, we have a better chance of a smooth exit from the crisis, though it is by no means assured.”

She added that the investment incentive scheme would encourage the flow of dollars into the country — an important factor in the government’s plans to eventually lift Argentina’s strict currency and capital controls.

In another boost for Milei on Wednesday, Argentina’s central bank announced that it had reached an agreement with Chinese authorities to roll over about $5bn in debt repayments due in the next month, alleviating pressure on its dangerously low foreign exchange reserves.

The approval of Milei’s bill comes on the heels of a bruising defeat in the lower house, where leftist and centrist lawmakers last week defied the government to approve an increase to pension spending that would cost 0.4 per cent of GDP.

While Milei has pledged to veto any bill that endangers his “zero fiscal deficit” plan, the vote suggested that the opposition would be able to reach the two-thirds majority needed to override a veto.

Such challenges have partially reversed a rally in Argentina’s sovereign bond prices over the past month and contributed to volatility in the peso’s black market exchange rate.

Market analysts said Wednesday’s vote would boost the bonds and peso.

Ana Iparraguirre, a Buenos Aires-based partner at strategy group GBAO, said the bill’s approval would not be enough to dispel “a big question mark that has emerged about Milei’s ability to enact his plans”, with legislation likely to face fierce battles in the fractured congress.

The defeat of the restoration of income tax, a levy that is very important to the finances of Argentina’s 23 provinces, may continue to strain relations with their powerful governors, none of whom belong to Milei’s La Libertad Avanza coalition, analysts said.

“The [broad reform bill] is a big achievement for such an institutionally weak president, and it gives him some room to manoeuvre,” she said. “But congress has shown its teeth.”

#Argentinas #Javier #Milei #wins #senate #approval #economic #reforms

Here are ⁣some People‌ Also​ Ask (PAA)⁢ questions related‍ to the title “Argentina’s Economic Reforms: A ⁢New Era of‌ Growth and Controversy”:

Argentina’s Economic Reforms: A New Era‌ of⁤ Growth and Controversy

In a landmark move, ‌Argentina’s Senate has approved ‍a⁣ pair of ⁤wide-ranging⁣ reform bills aimed at​ revamping the country’s economy and ‌addressing its severe economic​ crisis. The bills, passed on June 27, 2024, mark a significant victory for President Javier Milei, ⁢who has been pushing for pro-business reforms to stimulate economic growth and restore investor confidence.

Reforms and Controversies

The approved bills ⁤include incentives for ⁤investments, a plan to privatize some state ​companies, and an expansion of ‌presidential powers over some economic policy. While these reforms are expected to boost the economy, they have sparked controversy among labor unions ⁤and⁢ opposition lawmakers. Unions in‌ Argentina have condemned the reforms, stating that they ⁢will undermine sovereignty, roll back labor rights, and leave future generations with a heavy debt burden [[1]].

The Economic Reform Law also aims to⁢ deregulate labor relationships to a certain ⁢extent by eliminating fines and penalties that were previously imposed⁣ on employers [[3]]. This move is seen as a step towards attracting foreign investment and creating jobs, but critics argue that it could lead to exploitation of​ workers.

Impact ⁢on the Economy

The⁤ reforms ​are expected to ‍have a significant impact on ⁢Argentina’s economy, which has been plagued by high inflation rates (289% annually) and a severe economic ⁣crisis. Analysts believe that the reforms will help restore ‌investor confidence, attract foreign investment, and eventually lift Argentina’s strict ⁤currency and capital controls [[2]].

The investment incentive scheme, in particular, is expected⁤ to encourage​ the flow of dollars ⁢into the country, alleviating ​pressure on Argentina’s foreign exchange reserves.⁣ Additionally, the‌ central bank’s agreement with Chinese authorities to roll over about ⁢$5 billion in debt repayments has also helped alleviate ​pressure⁢ on the economy.

Opposition and Challenges

Despite the approval ‍of the reforms, ​President Milei faces significant challenges in the lower house, ⁣where leftist​ and centrist lawmakers have defied the government to approve an increase to pension spending.​ The opposition has also raised concerns about Milei’s ability to deliver on his promises, citing ⁤his lack of control over congressional seats and his reliance⁤ on executive power to push through reforms.


Argentina’s economic reforms ‍mark a significant shift in the country’s economic policy, aiming to stimulate growth, attract investment, and restore investor⁤ confidence. While the reforms have sparked controversy and opposition, they are seen as a crucial step towards recovering from the country’s severe economic crisis. As the reforms ⁤take shape, it remains to ‍be seen how they will⁣ impact the economy, workers, and the⁢ country ‍as a ‌whole.





**Argentina’s Economic Reforms: A Step Towards Recovery or a Recipe for Disaster?**

Argentina’s Economic Reforms: A Step Towards Recovery or a Recipe for Disaster?

In a closely watched vote, Argentina’s Senate has approved a pair of reform bills aimed at reviving the country’s flagging economy. The bills, which were heavily watered down from the government’s original proposals, give President Javier Milei a much-needed legislative victory six months into his term. But will these reforms be enough to pull Argentina out of its severe economic crisis, or will they have unintended consequences that exacerbate the situation?

The Reform Bills: A Mixed Bag

The first bill includes incentives for investments, a plan to privatize some state companies, and an expansion of presidential powers over some economic policy. A separate bill aims to trim Argentina’s fiscal deficit, although lawmakers struck down a key article aiming to restore income tax for high earners after it was scrapped last year. Both bills were heavily watered down to pass the Senate and will face a final vote in the lower house, where some Senate amendments could be reversed.

Reactions from Unions and Analysts

Unions in Argentina have condemned the reform bills, saying they will undermine sovereignty, roll back labor rights, and leave future generations with a heavy burden [[1]]. Analysts, on the other hand, have welcomed the move, saying it will encourage investment and help pull the country out of its economic crisis [[2]]. According to Lorena Giorgio, chief economist at consultancy Equilibra, “Without [these bills] the next months would have been very turbulent both for markets and political conflicts… With it, we have a better chance of a smooth exit from the crisis, though it is by no means assured.”

Economic Context

Argentina’s economic crisis has been dire, with annual inflation reaching 289%. The country has been plagued by currency and capital controls, and the government has relied on executive power to slash public spending and deregulate the economy by decree. The reforms come on the heels of a bruising defeat in the lower house, where leftist and centrist lawmakers defied the government to approve an increase to pension spending that would cost 0.4% of GDP.

What’s Next?

The approval of the reform bills is a crucial step towards restoring investor confidence and pulling Argentina out of its economic crisis. However, the road ahead is uncertain, and much will depend on how the legislation is implemented and received by the markets. The government’s plans to eventually lift Argentina’s strict currency and capital controls will also be closely watched. In the short term, the agreement with Chinese authorities to roll over about $5bn in debt repayments due in the next month will provide some relief to the country’s foreign exchange reserves.


Argentina’s economic reforms are a complex and contentious issue, with proponents arguing they will stimulate investment and growth, and critics warning they will undermine labor rights and sovereignty. As the country navigates its way out of its economic crisis, one thing is clear: the stakes are high, and the outcome will have far-reaching consequences for the Argentine people and the global economy.


[1] Industriall Union, “Unions in Argentina condemn reform bill with major impact on workers”

[2] BBC, “Buenos Aires rocked by clashes over President Milei reforms”

[3] DLA Piper, “Argentina’s Economic Reform Law expected to pass”



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