Javier Milei and the invisible society

While most of the officials and professional politicians, responsible for giving some signal about the organization of this society, seem to behave governed by unknown physical laws and foreign to the rest of mortals, according to all studies, Javier Milei, bounces on a 15th floor % of the preferences in intention to vote for the position of President of the Nation. It seems that, without intending to, without investment in , or Machiavellian strategy in networks, or billboards on public roads, or graffiti on bridges, or hugging infants, or handling mysterious boxes from PAMI or Anses, or Aerolíneas Argentinas, or With rented militants, the libertarian has managed to capture, in a short time, a not inconsiderable portion of the electoral share.

Without a doubt, the voting industry has a lot to learn from this story. Like something out of an anime, his image, for a growing segment, seems to be cut out with bright colors and radiating starry sparks within a sepia universe. Undoubtedly, Javier Milei has become a piece whose substance is uncertain, but the numbers that he throws and drive the levels of adhesion in the electorate are not, and time and again, the results of the polls, at this point, we are not allowed to ignore it. Let’s analyze some aspects of the case. In the age of non-binaries it is difficult to get out of tune. Nothing amazes anymore. Not even the effort or the positioning tactics work because it is immediately clear that they are just that: a piece of political marketing. Milei’s out of tune sounds spontaneous and that makes him solid among the new voters and turns the rest of the leadership into a gas and therefore elusive, hidden. He is all in sight. So he talks fast with a face of, really, do you need me to explain it to you? and his messages contain few words, using short phrases addressed to a society that, with enormous redistributive discourses, few had been recognizing. A society that they accuse of self-constructing its failure. Milei has been able to interpret a concept that arises, in the perception of a wide swath of the electorate, and which consists of believing in the existence of an elaborate plan to, from the decline of many, achieve the benefit of a few by clearly placing them in the public sector, and which seems to have no deadline for completion in the hands of any of the classics. In the construction of his position, Javier Milei, leaves a lesson for the rest of the candidates who begin to offer themselves in the 2023 campaign, linked to the not inconsiderable equation achieved by the libertarian of cost per intention to vote, achieving it from, in addition to an exotic image, a critical discourse on the gift in the hackneyed sense of our traditional politics. He does not talk about what he is going to give, but points out what is left over, what he intends to take away. Around this axis, his narrative does not require many explanations because it only shows what is in sight, what people see in the store, at his son’s school, at his house. Although as an urban phenomenon, and specifically, of the Conurbano, Milei has managed to speak in the language of the invisible. He dodges political language and in his speech he only chooses to destroy it, defining it with the pathos that it already has for an electorate that is asked to continue voting for those who are breaking its present and its future. He speaks to the informal and to the young, going through all the party structures from right to left. Both segments off the radar of politics, with nothing to gain and everything to lose in the current system. In this sense, it contributes to improving its reach, the media structure through which it distributes its message and which accompanies this transversality, providing a great advantage, which is its rapid and homogeneous circulation. In a media system whose ideological positions have rearranged audiences, Milei has no restrictions or barriers to jump from one channel or publication to another, with which the distribution vehicles for her message are broader and more diverse, as are the audiences. on which it impacts. This is not a minor issue at all since the levels of confidence of the audiences placed in the programs/publications/journalists they follow exceeds 70% of positive values ​​(Fopea: 2022). His criticism of the system opened up a new category that he alone inhabits, diversifying his ideological palette and achieving visibility in all spaces of political information.

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His figure, somewhere between Dragon Ball and Elvis Presley, a lioness with a black jacket and a naïve attitude, shows him as he is, and has been giving him very good results. It is worth asking, can something empty in terms of structure come to fill political spaces? The answer is that it is enough to see how everything that is full is being emptied and floats aimlessly on the Argentine surface. But Milei plays on the edge, to the point of delirium, near the unseen society, and her disappearance from the political map can be as sudden as her appearance with crashing sparks.

* Political scientist.

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