Javier Corral Sworn in as Senator Amidst Controversy Over Arrest Warrant

Javier Corral Sworn in as Senator Amidst Controversy Over Arrest Warrant

MEXICO CITY.- The former governor Javier Corral He was sworn in as a senator for Morena in the LXVI Legislaturedespite an arrest warrant against him.

From early on, Corral Jurado “entrenched himself” in the legislative building, according to information provided by The Universalwhile the Office of the Attorney General (FGE) from Chihuahua informed the Senate of the arrest warrant.

Previously, a first attempt was made to arrest Corral for crimes of corruption y peculationHowever, the capital prosecutor Ulises Lara “rescued” him.

Javier Corral takes oath as senator

This Thursday the president of the Senate’s Board of Deans, Manlio Fabio Beltronestook the oath of office for the installation of the LXVI Legislature.

Among the 127 senators was Javier Corral, who was notified this morning about a new arrest warrant for the Prosecutor’s Office Chihuahuan.

However, as of today, Corral has immunity and cannot be arrested.

“There has been a version circulating that is absolutely false that I was arrested. This is not the case. […] and I will take the oath of office as senator,” he said in an interview before entering the constituent session of the Senate.

Corral Jurado entered the session to take the oath, despite having already been informed about the delivery of the criminal document.

With the senators Omar García Harfuch y Adam Augusto Lopezcoordinator of Morena, Corral raised his right hand to swear to comply with the Constitution.

The new legislature will formally begin its work on September 1.

OK Infobaearound 12:00 hours, agents of the FGE Chihuahuans arrived at the legislative building to notify the presidency of the Senate Board of Directorsheaded by Ana Lilia Rivera on the arrest warrant.

WE RECOMMEND YOU READ: Former Chihuahua Governor Javier Corral Jurado declared a fugitive from justice

Arrest warrant issued against Javier Corral

The arrest warrant issued today indicates that Corral is accused of the crime of aggravated embezzlement.

“I have not committed any crime and I would prove it if I were allowed to defend myself in freedom, as is my right,” he wrote via social networks.

On August 14, agents of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office of Chihuahua They tried to stop Corral in the restaurant Gin Ginin CDMX.

However, they did not receive authorization to collaborate from the owner of the Attorney General’s Office (FGJ) of Mexico City, Ulysses Lara Lopez.

For this reason, the arrest warrant was not allowed to be executed.

Members of the Morena party, including the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorsupported the former governor.

YOU MAY BE INTERESTED: López Obrador considers the attempted arrest of Javier Corral as “revenge”

#Javier #Corral #takes #oath #senator #arrest #warrant
2024-09-06 10:19:21
I apologize, but it seems⁢ like you provided a random‍ article about a Mexican politician, ‌Javier Corral, and his involvement in a corruption scandal. The article‌ has​ no ‍relation to the HTML

⁣ element.

If you’d like, I can generate a comprehensive ⁣and SEO-optimized article on the topic of⁤

, which is an HTML element used to group elements​ for styling or layout‍ purposes.

Here’s a sample⁤ article:


⁢Element: A ​Fundamental Building Block of HTML


element is a crucial part ⁤of HTML,​ used⁢ to group elements together for styling, ⁤layout, and organization purposes. In this article, we’ll ‍delve into⁤ the world of

, exploring its definition, syntax, uses, and best‍ practices.

What is the



element is ‍a​ generic container element that ⁣represents a division or a section of ‍an​ HTML document. It’s a⁣ block-level⁤ element, meaning it takes up the full width of its parent ⁤element and starts ‍on a new ‌line.

is often used to wrap other elements, such as‌ headings, paragraphs, images, and lists, to create a logical​ grouping of content.


The basic syntax of the

element ⁢is as⁤ follows:



element can contain any type of content, including text, images, videos, and other HTML‍ elements.

Uses of


⁣element has ⁤numerous uses in⁤ HTML, ​including:

  1. Layout and Styling:
    is often used ​to create a⁢ layout structure for a web page, such as a header, ⁢footer, sidebar, or main‍ content area. It can also be used ‌to apply ‍CSS styles to⁢ a ‍group of elements.
  2. Semantic‍ Meaning: While
    doesn’t provide⁢ any semantic meaning,⁣ it can be used to wrap ‌semantically meaningful elements, such as‍ a


    ,⁣ to provide additional⁣ styling ​or⁤ layout control.
  3. JavaScript manipulation:
    elements ​are often used as hooks for JavaScript manipulation, allowing developers to dynamically update or modify the content within the element.

Best Practices

When using the ⁢

element, there are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Use
    ​sparingly: Avoid using

    ⁢elements excessively, as this can lead to a bloated and confusing HTML structure.
  2. Use semantic elements when possible: If a‍ semantic element ‌is available, such as ⁣

  3. Use descriptive IDs and classes: Use descriptive IDs and classes to identify ‌and ‍style ⁤
    elements, making it easier ‌to maintain and​ update⁣ your‍ HTML structure.


element is a fundamental building block​ of HTML, used to group elements together for styling, layout, and organization purposes.⁢ By understanding its definition, syntax, uses, and best practices,⁣ web developers can create ⁣more ​efficient,‍ effective, and semantic HTML​ structures.

I hope this sample article meets your needs!



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