Jashanpreet’s Trial: Shocking Details of Violent Attack on Young Girl in Belgium

2023-12-16 08:30:00

Jashanpreet, a 23-year-old from Liège, appeared detained before the Liège criminal court to answer for a particularly violent attack committed on a young girl aged 15 on February 5, 2022. In fact, the latter was found by walkers while she was unconscious, with a bloody face and dying in an embankment in Herstal. The young woman had suffered beatings, torture, rape, inhumane treatment, but also an attempted murder. The young girl only owed her life to her discovery by strangers. The investigation focused on the suspect. He was part of a group of people who spent the previous evening in the company of the teenager. The group met in the Cora Rocourt parking lot to have a party.

“She was in a bad state.”

The Liégeois explained that he found the young girl in Herstal because he wanted to do her a favor by driving her home. “She was with people,” the inmate said. “These people dropped her off in the car for me. I saw clearly that she had bruises on her face and blood. When I spoke to her, she didn’t respond.” According to him, he then decided to take her out of his car and leave her unconscious before leaving. “I took her out of the car by pulling her calves. Afterwards I don’t know how I carried it. I dropped her off at the bus stop. I don’t know if she was sitting or lying down when I dropped her off.”

Explanations which did not convince the court. The judges asked for clarification, which ended up annoying Jashanpreet. “I panicked, I dropped her off where she was. I don’t remember what she was like.” The suspect confirmed that the young woman was in a sad state. “I did not expect that. She was in a bad state. It wasn’t to wash my hands of her. I wanted to pick her up and take her where she wanted. Since I panicked, I didn’t want to take the risk of taking her with me and having something happen to her while she was with me.”

His DNA in the thong

Initially, the suspect indicated that he had dropped the teenager off in Herstal before she got into a vehicle. A version that he later refuted when investigators told him that blood had been found in his vehicle. “I went to the police myself the next day and I had not washed the car,” said the defendant, who had taken care to ask his official companion to buy products to clean his vehicle. The police allegedly told him to go home because he was not wanted. The young man also declared that he had taken care of the young girl at a hotel before changing his mind. Her DNA was found in the teenager’s thong.

According to him, his DNA might have been there because he helped her urinate and his skin might have touched her panties. According to the expert appointed by the prosecution, the probability that the traces found in the thong come from semen is 97 percent. A Swiss expert commissioned by the defense qualified this figure by noting that other methods were used in his country and put this figure between 82 and 92 percent chance. The expert commissioned by the prosecution stressed that the Swiss expert therefore estimated that there was 11 times more chance that it was semen than any other substance, particularly skin. According to the defense lawyers, their client would be afraid of denouncing the real perpetrator. Another hearing was scheduled for the indictment and pleadings.

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