Jarosław Kaczyński names his successor. “I would be very happy”

Jarosław Kaczyński names his successor. “I would be very happy”

The PiS chairman confirmed his declaration from March about submitting his candidacy for the PiS chairmanship for another term. He admitted, however, that He wanted to resign from this position in 2020.

Read also: PiS MP talks about the date of revealing the party’s presidential candidate

— The epidemic came unexpectedly, we did not convene a congress at that time, and a year later I was asked to stay because there was a serious problem in the party — said Jarosław Kaczyński in an interview quoted on Friday on Radio Maryja’s profile on Platform X. — If the chairman had changed, it is not known what would have happened — he added.

I would be very happy if it was Mariusz Błaszczakbecause I appreciate and like him — he replied to a question about a potential successor as party chairman.

– The chairman has been with us since his political childhood, since the youth movement – he argued. – In local government politics he held various positions, he was in the government as deputy prime minister and minister of defense. He has party experience – he was the head of the parliamentary club – he added.

Read also: This doesn’t happen often. What words from Mariusz Błaszczak

— However, this is not a specific directive from the party’s senior — Kaczyński noted. He emphasized, however, that “this would be the most reasonable decision that the party congress could make, but this is already in the congress’s hands.”

The entire interview will be published on Monday on the Radio Maryja website.



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