Japan’s new confirmed cases of new crown hit a new high and new deaths exceeded 100_Infected_Epidemic_Tokyo

Original title: Japan’s new confirmed cases of new crowns hit a new high and new deaths exceeded 100

Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, July 27 (Reporter Hua Yi) According to the statistics of the Japan Broadcasting Association TV station, on the 27th, there were 209,694 new confirmed cases of the new crown in Japan, a new high since the outbreak of the epidemic. The cumulative number of confirmed cases exceeded 11.92 million; new deaths were added. There are 129 cases, and more than 100 new deaths have been added for two consecutive days, with a total of 32,207 deaths.

Since mid-July, due to the accelerated spread of the new subtype BA.5 of the mutated new coronavirus Omicron strain, the new crown epidemic in Japan has deteriorated rapidly. In the week ending on the 26th, the number of newly confirmed cases in Japan was regarding 1.9 times that of the previous week.

Due to the surge in new crown infections, the number of infected people and close contacts among medical staff has also increased, and medical resources in many places in Japan are increasingly strained. In some hospitals and clinics in Tokyo, it is difficult to detect and seek medical treatment, and some fever clinics have long queues. In order not to crowd hospital beds, the Japanese government stipulates that people with mild infections should be quarantined at home or in hotels.Return to Sohu, see more


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posted on:Beijing

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