Japan’s century-old hot spring hotel admits that it does not change the water for half a year and does not disinfect: the bacteria exceed the standard by 3700 times

Japan’s century-old hot spring hotel admits that it does not change the water for half a year and does not disinfect: the bacteria exceed the standard by 3700 times

2023-02-28 10:25:33 Source: Fast Technology Author:snowflake EDIT: Snowflake Comment()Click to copy the title and link of this article

According to Japan’s “Yomiuri Shimbun” report on the 27th, a century-old hot spring hotel in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan “collapsed” because it only changed the hot spring water twice a year.

This hot spring hotel is called “Daimaru Besso” and opened in 1865. According to Fukuoka Prefecture Public Bath Management Regulations, circulating baths must be completely changed at least once a week and disinfected with chlorine.

However, when the relevant departments of Fukuoka County inspected “Daimaru Besso” in August 2022, they found that the content of Legionella in the baths of the shop exceeded the standard by twice the limit. During a surprise inspection in November last year, Legionella bacteria in the baths of the store exceeded the standard by 3,700 times.

The current situation is that “Daimaru Biezhuang” has to admit that since 2019, it has been violating the regulations, only changing the water twice a year, and not disinfecting. The incident caused heated discussions on Japanese social networks. Some Japanese netizens commented, “It’s too much! This is equivalent to killing people indiscriminately.”

Some netizens said that Laotang hot springs are delicious enough. For Japan, it is just a trivial matter of apologizing and bowing three times.

Japan's century-old hot spring hotel was exposed to not changing the water for half a year: Legionella exceeded the standard by 3700 times and the symptoms of infection include these

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