Japanese technique to eliminate abdominal fat quickly

Body fat performs very important functions in the body, as it is responsible for covering the joints, stores vitamins, controls temperature and is a source of energy.

However, the amount and where it is located in the body is key to determining whether or not it alters health conditions. In the case of the one that accumulates in the abdomen, it not only affects the patient aesthetically, but can become an indicator of risk, according to the clinical research institute Mayo Clinic.

When a person eats too much and does little physical activity, it is possible that fat begins to accumulate in their stomach. Also, when you don’t exercise, muscle mass can decrease slightly with age, while fat increases.

The aforementioned institution ensures that the loss of muscle mass also decreases the rate at which the body uses calories, which can make it more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

Data from the World Health Organization indicate that each year around 2.8 million people die in the world due to problems related to obesity and overweight, such as liver failure, depression, anxiety and chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes.

In this sense, the portal The Objective unveiled the Japanese method, which was explained by the actor Miki Ryôsuke and managed in a short time to lose 13 kg and reduce the waist by 11 centimeters. This is also known as “the long breath diet”, and it consists of inhaling for three seconds with force and exhaling forcefully for seven seconds.

It is important to note that before carrying out this procedure, the doctor should be consulted.

The portal explains that this method works because fat is essentially made up of oxygen, carbohydrates and hydrogen, and when inhaled, it allows oxygen to reach the fat cells, they break down into water and carbon. The more you go in, the more fat you’ll burn.

Foods that generate abdominal fat

There are a number of foods that are recognized as those that can generate more fat in the abdomen and whose consumption should be avoided or limited.

1. White bread: The intake of white bread is associated with greater weight gain and abdominal fat, since it is a food with rapidly absorbed calories that does not have much of a satiating effect and makes people feel hungry following a short time. Some also contain trans fats, which cause an increase in the amount of fat around the tissue of the abdomen.

2. Sugary cereals. Sugary cereals can cause excess abdominal fat. Many cereals are high in sugar, but low in fiber and protein.so they generate satiety for a very short time, specifies an article published in the Seville Journalfrom Spain.

3. Sweets: Most sweets are loaded with processed flours and tend to be high in sugar and sodium.

4. Fried: They are normally foods that are usually full of saturated fats, covered by a large amount of salt and very caloric.

5. Fast food. These foods are also a latent threat to belly fat. This is due to ingredients such as refined carbohydrates and sugars present in these products.

6. Mayonnaise and dressings. These foods contain significant amounts of fat and additives and preservatives that affect belly fat.

The best way to deal with abdominal fat is to change bad eating habits and according to experts, it is important that the goals that a person sets are realistic. Reducing localized fat depends on also reducing global fat, so effort, perseverance and patience are required to see results.

If the person does not know where to start or what to do exactly, it is advisable to go to a specialist to help set a plan to achieve the purpose of losing fat while taking care of health.



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