“Tales of Symphonia Remastered” (Tales of Symphonia Remastered) produced and distributed by Bandai Namco was officially launched yesterday (17th), but there were disasters following the launch, mainly due to the optimization of the Switch version.
“Legend of Symphony” was first released on GameCube in 2003, and was later ported to PS2, PS3, Steam and other platforms. This time, “Legend of Symphony Remastered” is released on PS4, Switch and Xbox One. The game is completely HD, so The graphics are also a bit prettier than the previous version.
Many Japanese players reported that the Switch version has been loaded for too long, and the FPS of some scenes is too low. Especially if the reading is too long, it is quite hurt for the smooth legendary series. Some players have made a screen comparison and found that the battle reading speed of the Switch version is actually the slowest among all versions, even faster than the GC of 20 years ago. The version is even slower.
Symphonia all model load comparison. After the field small fish war. GC, PS2, PS3 from top left. Switch, XboxOne, PS4 from the bottom left.#TOSR pic.twitter.com/FjgE1JEXRz
— Sanaesu (@kyusenkyou) February 16, 2023
The Switch version is the only choice because you can do it anywhere!
I’ll try downloading it once more to the main unit when I go to sleep today…????
I think it’s important to be able to play stress-free before it’s beautiful. Dungeon capture… I can only recommend it to people who love Symphonia as it is now???? pic.twitter.com/NFA2jzJGhR— Yurinchi (sorry for your late reply (@TALESof7310) February 16, 2023
Even in a sandstorm, the processing falls severely… pic.twitter.com/KKIkDlGzlX
— Menchikatsusando (@DBAGP7) February 16, 2023
However, as a well-received game in the legendary series, and it is finally Chinese, it may be worth waiting for the revised file, or buying the PS4 or Xbox version directly.