Japanese boy dies at resort sucked into pool drain … Vietnam

A Japanese boy was found dead in a pool at a resort hotel in Vietnam in April.

On April 5, Koji Makoto (10), who lived in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, was playing in a children’s pool at a resort hotel he visited with his mother, but was found to be sucked into the drain of the pool. After that, death was confirmed.

A mesh-like bruise remained clearly on Koshi-kun’s body.

Yoshikazu Hanawa, Koshi-kun’s father, “It’s so strong (sucking) that it’s very difficult to pull it up even with the power of an adult.”

His father, Yoshikazu, believes that there was a safety problem with the pool facilities, but there was no explanation from the hotel side and there was no full-scale investigation by the local authorities.

Mr. Yoshikazu “I think it was very regrettable. I think the only thing parents can do for their children (to investigate the cause).”

At the request of Mr. Yoshikazu and others, the Japanese embassy in Vietnam is working to encourage local authorities to investigate.



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