Japan-UK Quantum Technology Networking Fair 2024: Bridging Innovators for Collaborative Research Advancement

In order to maintain and improve Japan‘s scientific and technological capabilities, the Initiative for Promoting Advanced International Collaborative Research (ASPIRE) aims to connect top researchers from Japan and other science and technology-advanced countries and regions through international collaborative research in policy-important science and technology fields, and to accelerate the international circulation of talented minds within Japan’s research community. As part of this initiative, we will be hosting an online international exchange event for Japanese and UK researchers in the quantum field in cooperation with EPSRC (UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council).
At the event, top Japanese and UK quantum researchers will be guest speakers who will talk about their international collaborative research efforts and results. We will also invite Japanese and UK researchers looking for collaborative research partners to hold pitch talks in English in the quantum field. Finally, we plan to hold an online networking event for all participants for each research area in the quantum field.

  • They are currently affiliated with a university, research institute or private research center in Japan or the UK.
  • We want to strengthen our network of international collaborative research teams.
  • I would like to exchange information with researchers affiliated with quantum research institutes in the UK.
  • I want to broaden the horizons of the young researchers on my team and expand their opportunities for international activity.
  • Date and time: Friday, December 6, 2024 18:30-21:00 (Japan) / 9:30-12:00 (UK) Format: Online (Zoom) *Link will be sent after registration Language: English Participation fee: Free


    (1) Lectures by Japanese and English guest speakers (30 minutes)

    (2) Pitch talk (approximately 1 hour)

    • Number of participants: Approximately 20 presenters from each country
    • Time for each presentation: 2 minutes
    • Presentation format: Online Zoom (slides or videos can be used)

    (3) Online social gathering (participation is optional) (40 minutes)

    An information exchange session between pitch speakers and general participants.

    Application Form


    If you would like to pitch, please register using the application form below.

    ・Registration deadline: Friday, November 8, 2024 at 5 p.m.

    Registration information will be published in the event program and online booklet.

    The secretariat will contact presenters with further details via email at a later date.
    In addition, due to the number of participants and other factors, those who are not selected to make a pitch will be asked to participate in the online networking event and give a talk there.


    • Registration link: In preparation, scheduled to be posted in early November
    • Registration Deadline: Friday, November 22, 2024
    • Advance registration is required to participate in the event.
    • The event program and speakers will be published on the website in mid-November.


    • The above is the current schedule and may change without notice. Details of the public call for applications, including event information, will be posted on this website as soon as they are decided, so please check them.
    • Handling of personal information

    If you participate in this event, you will be asked to agree to the following privacy policy in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act established by our organization.

    JST Personal Information Site


    Event Inquiries

    National Institute of Science and Technology (JST)
    International Affairs Department, Office for Promotion of Advanced International Collaborative Research

    Japanese and English call for submissions: Kaneko and Okawa

    Email: aspire-uk(at)jst.go.jp *Please change (at) to @.

    Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title “Unlocking International Collaborative Research Opportunities in‍ Quantum Field: ASPIRE ⁢Initiative”:

    Unlocking ⁣International Collaborative Research Opportunities in Quantum Field:⁤ ASPIRE ⁤Initiative

    In today’s rapidly advancing scientific landscape, fostering international collaborative research is⁣ crucial for driving innovation and solving complex problems. The Initiative for Promoting Advanced International Collaborative Research (ASPIRE) is a ‌commendable​ effort by the Japanese government to⁢ connect top researchers from Japan and ‌other science and technology-advanced countries and‍ regions. This​ initiative aims ‍to accelerate the international circulation of talented minds within Japan’s ⁢research community, ultimately enhancing Japan’s scientific and technological capabilities.

    **ASPIRE Program: A

    Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title: **Unlocking International Collaborative Research Opportunities in Quantum Field: ASPIRE Initiative**:

    Unlocking International Collaborative Research Opportunities in Quantum Field: ASPIRE Initiative

    The Initiative for Promoting Advanced International Collaborative Research (ASPIRE) is a groundbreaking program aimed at connecting top researchers from Japan and other science and technology-advanced countries and regions through international collaborative research in policy-important science and technology fields. The program also seeks to accelerate the international circulation of talented minds within Japan’s research community. In this article, we will explore the ASPIRE initiative, its goals, and its impact on the quantum field.

    The ASPIRE Program

    The ASPIRE program is a significant step towards promoting international collaborative research in advanced fields like quantum technology. The program is designed to connect top researchers from Japan and other countries, fostering collaboration and innovation in policy-important science and technology fields. The program has already gained momentum, with the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) pre-announcing a call for applications for the 2024 ASPIRE program [[1]].

    Quantum Field: The Focus of ASPIRE

    The quantum field is one of the key areas of focus for the ASPIRE program. The program aims to accelerate the circulation of talented minds in the quantum field, promoting international collaboration and innovation in this critical area. The quantum field has vast potential for growth and development, and the ASPIRE program is poised to play a significant role in shaping its future.

    Singapore’s Quantum Ecosystem: A Model for Collaboration

    Singapore’s quantum ecosystem provides a model for collaboration and innovation in the quantum field. The country’s Quantum Engineering Programme (QEP) has launched three national platforms to grow its capabilities in quantum computing [[2]]. This initiative demonstrates the power of collaboration and investment in the quantum field, and the ASPIRE program aims to replicate this success on a global scale.

    Japanese-German Joint Call for Proposals: JST-DFG 2024

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    Upcoming Event: Unlocking International Collaborative Research Opportunities in Quantum Field

    As part of the ASPIRE initiative, an online international exchange event will be hosted for Japanese and UK researchers in the quantum field. The event, scheduled for December 6, 2024, will feature lectures by top Japanese and UK quantum researchers, pitch talks by researchers seeking collaborative partners, and an online networking event for all participants. The event is open to researchers affiliated with universities, research institutes, or private research centers in Japan or the UK.

    Benefits of the ASPIRE Program

    The ASPIRE program offers numerous benefits for researchers in the quantum field, including:

    Strengthening network of international collaborative research teams

    Exchanging information with researchers affiliated with quantum research institutes in other countries

    * Broadening horizons for young researchers and expanding opportunities for international activity


    The ASPIRE initiative is a groundbreaking program that aims to promote international collaborative research in advanced fields like quantum technology. The program has already gained momentum, with a pre-announced call for applications for the 2024 ASPIRE program. The quantum field is a key area of focus for the program, with the goal of accelerating the circulation of talented minds and promoting innovation in



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