János Csák is no longer a minister, so he can finally ride a motorcycle with Talmács in America

János Csák the Minister of Culture and Innovation announced on June 10 that he was resigning from his position. When the Mandiner about the future he askedmysteriously answered only this:

There are predestinations from my previous life, such as the business sphere, teaching, mentoring, and writing; I don’t think I’m going to invent something completely new. Those who have received gifts from God, a chance to study, see the world, and love their country, have countless opportunities to mobilize their abilities in a creative way. I have a lot of energy, whatever I start, I will finish with great dedication.

It is not known whether he meant that he would with Gábor Talmácsi will ride in Colorado, that’s what he’s doing now anyway. All of this was reported on Facebook by the former speed motorcycle world champion, who noticed it Index.

Although I didn’t go hiking much in the past, lately I’ve really taken a liking to the genre. Now I’m in America and everyone who suggested it was right, it’s a very special experience, Colorado is beautiful

– wrote Talmácsi in his post, whose photos reveal that János Csák is also a member of the team, and together they explore one of the most beautiful American states.



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