Janji encounters drama… criticized for dancing ROCKSTAR on zebra crossing – Anyone who saw her during the shoot, please explain!

Janji Janjira faced another dramatic situation when she posted a dance video to the song “ROCKSTAR” on Yaowarat Road at midnight. She was criticized for dancing on the zebra crossing and disrupting others. However, someone who witnessed the incident came forward to provide context.

Changji Changjila

Image from Instagram junji_junp

On July 4, 2024, a video of Janji Janjira dancing to “ROCKSTAR” on Yaowarat Road at midnight surfaced online. The dance performance was well-received, but some criticized her for being inappropriate. They argued that dancing on a zebra crossing could be disruptive and dangerous for road users.

Changji Changjila

Image from TikTok @junji_junp

Changji Changjila

Image from TikTok @junji_junp

Changji Changjila

Image from TikTok @junji_junp

Some users commented and criticized Janji Janjira, while others came to her defense. One comment, in a supportive tone, said, “Hahaha, Janji again? Others can’t see any drama.” Janji responded by saying, “This angle makes it look like it’s standing in the middle of the road,” another user commented encouragingly. “I can see it’s getting pretty close. Not in the middle of the road. I’m with you, Chanji.”

Changji Changjila

Several TikTok users who claimed to be present during the video recording came forward to defend Janji. They offered explanations and encouragement. Janji expressed gratitude to those who helped provide context, including:

– “I passed by on my motorcycle. I repeat, it was not in the middle of the road at all. And I don’t like anyone. I just saw that no one should just because they saw one side.”

– “Last night when I was walking and saw Chanji dancing no one crossed the road, I still stood and watched him dancing.”

– “I saw him dancing last night, I passed by 2-3 times and secretly took a picture because he was so beautiful. He didn’t dance in the middle of the street. They danced on the side of the road at the roadblock.”

Changji Changjila

Changji Changjila

Changji Changjila

Image from Instagram junji_junp

Janji Janjira’s Dance Video Sparks Debate: Zebra Crossing or Sidewalk?

Janji Janjira, known for her energetic dance videos, found herself embroiled in yet another online controversy after posting a clip of herself dancing to the song “ROCKSTAR” on Yaowarat Road at midnight. While her dance moves captivated viewers, some criticized her choice of location, claiming it was inappropriate to dance on a zebra crossing. The situation escalated with comments, both critical and supportive, flooding in from viewers and a witness coming forward to offer an alternate perspective.

Changji Changjila

Image from Instagram junji_junp

Janji’s video, shared on July 4, 2024, showcased her vibrant personality with her attire, makeup, and hair on full display. However, the dance location sparked debate. Critics argued that dancing on a zebra crossing, even late at night, could pose a safety hazard by disrupting pedestrian flow and potentially causing confusion for drivers. Others countered, highlighting the potential for road users to be distracted by the spectacle.

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Changji Changjila

Image from TikTok @junji_junp

Changji Changjila

Image from TikTok @junji_junp

Changji Changjila

Image from TikTok @junji_junp

The video sparked heated comments, with some criticizing Janji’s actions while others rallied in support, praising her confidence and energy. One comment, accompanied by a humorous tone, read, **”Hahaha, Janji again? Others can’t see any drama.”** Janji responded to this comment with grace, acknowledging the appearance of her video, stating: “This angle makes it look like it’s standing in the middle of the road,” and then reassuring her followers, “I’m with you, Chanji.”

Changji Changjila

Adding another layer to the story, several TikTok users, claiming to be present at the time of the video recording, came forward to offer a different perspective, stating they witnessed no disruption or safety concern. Janji, in turn, expressed gratitude for their support, saying:

  • “I passed by on my motorcycle. I repeat, it was not in the middle of the road at all. And I don’t like anyone. I just saw that no one should just because they saw one side.”
  • “Last night when I was walking and saw Chanji dancing no one crossed the road, I still stood and watched him dancing.”
  • “I saw him dancing last night, I passed by 2-3 times and secretly took a picture because he was so beautiful. He didn’t dance in the middle of the street. They danced on the side of the road at the roadblock.”

These comments, added to Janji’s own response, painted a picture of the event that differed from some of the initial criticism, highlighting that context and perspective are crucial in navigating online discussions.

Changji Changjila
Changji Changjila
Changji Changjila

Image from Instagram junji_junp

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