Janet Barboza furious with Magaly Medina for stating that she washes her face in America Hoy web eye celebrity | EYE-SHOW

Updated on 04/21/2022 05:26 pm

Strong declarations! Janet Barboza did not stay silent and decided to answer Magaly Medinawho in the last edition of his program assured that the different America TV programs would surely “wash his face” to Aldo Miyashiro and Oscar Del Portal, following being supported by being unfaithful to their respective wives.

Faced with this, the driver of “America Today” He made it clear that he has never lied on the small screen to justify the bad behavior of some celebrity character, no matter how friendly he is.

“They have never seen me in front of a screen lying, trying to wash someone’s face, and that has brought me discrepancies on many occasions and it is not very well seen or accepted that someone is direct and sincere, and I have been. I have measured them all with the same yardstick and no one can say otherwise, because there are no images where I am coping with any type of situation”, started saying.

See also:

Magaly Medina criticizes Janet Barboza for saying that she was a victim of infidelity and reminds her of an affair with a former TV manager

In this sense, the popular ‘Rulites’ did not hesitate to send her little girl to the figure of ATVwho would also have stated that Janet “managed” in some way the various infidelities he committed Christian Domínguez.

“There is a lot of talk regarding Christian Domínguez, that happened three years ago. By the time he was told everything he needed to be told, he lost job opportunities. When he worked on another channel and so did I, he was separated from that program and I replaced him as host. I have been the biggest critic of him. Nobody can accuse me of washing his face, something that other people do when they hate a character, when they see that this person does his job well, they try to undermine his credibility, that is not going to happen with me ”, finished.

Janet Barboza recalls Christian Domínguez case
Janet Barboza recalls Christian Domínguez case https://www.americatv.com.pe/noticias/





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