Janet and Ethel support Magaly Medina in her version of the pool | EYE-SHOW

This September 1, 2022, Christian Domínguez revealed that Rafael Fernandez called him to assure him that he told Magaly Medina that the singer did not get into the pool of the house he shared with Karla Tarazona. In that sense, Janet Barboza y Ethel Pozo they claimed someone in this story was outright lying.

“That’s what he told me, I told him ‘perfect, I hope you clarify it correctly, but not only to me, but go out and talk about it because you are a witness (that) five times I entered your house and that of the glass of water, once they offered me a glass of water”, Christian Dominguez said.

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“I tell him ‘you are a witness that I never entered that armed pool in your house, it’s not even because people told me ‘do it’ and I was able to do it, it’s because I was working and every time I’ve gone, five times, I have always gone with work clothes and I have never been able to do it”, the singer explained.

For his part, Rafael Fernández acknowledged that Christian Domínguez did not enter the pool and that he rarely entered the house: “’Yes, once I saw you in my house’, (I) saw the two of them only once in the house, the other five or four times, the children were always alone”.

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For her part, Janet Barboza indicated that Magaly Medina is not crazy: “You know that the differences I have with the host of the other program are public, which is Magaly (…) in this case I do not think she will go out and tell a story that Rafael Fernández told her, where would she know to lie about something that finally has many (details)?

“I do not think that the journalist says something without being certain, without having lived the experience that Rafael Fernández told her, they will never be the drivers, except the journalists of course, who have studied to be loyal to the sources and truthful , who is going to say something that is not, for me, here Rafael Fernández has lied to someone, or to the journalist from 9 or to you”, Ethel Well said.

“Suddenly Rafael is not lying, but someone is lying (…) I don’t think the journalist is lying, the communicator, because this information definitely reached her,” the ‘rolls’ concluded.

Fuente: America Television


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