the essential
Launched into space at the end of 2021 and operational since July, the James Webb telescope, whose silicon carbide instruments were manufactured by Boostec in Bazet, has since revealed impressive images of space. This time it is the galaxy of the Phantom which is revealed in spectacular shots.
The James Webb Space Telescope has captured new details of a so-called Phantom galaxy in an incredible image showing its spiral shape released by the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA, as reported by AFP.
Operational since July, the James Webb Telescope has since revealed impressive images of Jupiter, nebulae and other distant galaxies, giving scientists plenty of never-before-seen data to analyze.
The latest shows M74, or the Phantom Galaxy, with its bright blue core and flawless spiral, observed by the MIRI instrument, which studies the mid-infrared and is the result of a collaboration between Europeans and Americans. Bazet’s company Boostec-Mersen made a major contribution to the manufacture of the NIRSpec spectrograph developed by Airbus on behalf of ESA.
“The piercing gaze”
“Webb’s piercing gaze revealed fine filaments of gas and dust in the luminous spiral-shaped arms that unfold from the center of this image”, notes on its site the ESA, which specifies that the galaxy had already been observed by the mythical Hubble space telescope, launched in 1990 and still in operation.
The European agency, which co-developed the telescope with NASA, also notes that a “lack of gas” allows for a clearer view of stars in the center of the galaxy, located regarding 32 million years away. -light in the constellation Pisces.