James Cameron: “I find “Terminator” somewhat embarrassing today”

“I don’t see it as a holy grail, that’s for sure,” the three-time Oscar winner told the film magazine “Empire.” “When I look at it now, there are parts that are quite embarrassing.” But when it comes to other parts of the action film, he thinks: “Yes, for the resources we had at our disposal, we did it pretty well.”

“I’m not ashamed of dialogues”

“Terminator” made actor Arnold Schwarzenegger a star 40 years ago and was a huge hit, even though it only cost a few million dollars. His reservations about the film are “only about the production value,” Cameron explained. “I’m not ashamed of any of the dialogue” – unlike many people who apparently criticized his dialogue. Cameron’s later films “Titanic” and “Avatar” are still among the most successful films worldwide.



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