Jamel Debbouze: “I just wanted to save time” the day he lost the use of his arm

For twenty years, the comedian has a string of successes, on stage and in dark rooms. He is now one of the most well-known comic actors of the general public. Nevertheless, Jamel Debbouze experienced a terrible tragedy in his youth. During his life, the actor did not often want to tell how he lost the use of his arm. In 2018, the husband of Mélissa Theuriau has however agreed to break the silence on this sensitive subject.

Jamel Debbouze: a tragic error of youth

For years the craziest rumors have been circulating about the actor’s disability. But he did not often have the opportunity to give details. Moreover, from his first appearances, in the H series alongside Éric and Ramzy, the public has always known Jamel Debbouze with his invalid arm. But during his time on the show To the blackboard !produced by his wife, he decided to lift the veil on this sad event.

In front of several young children, he agreed to come back to the evening when he experienced a tragedy, more than 30 years ago. THE January 17, 1990, the young Jamel Debbouze is only 14 years old. That evening, he decides to disobey his parents to go out with a friend. At that time the boy saw in the Yvelines. The two friends thus head for Trappe station. I did something stupid, I didn’t listen to my parents. I realized late that it was stupid not to listen to your parents. I went out late, when I shouldn’t have. And I found myself on a station platform. » Lhe two teenagers are about to take a bus. But they are afraid of missing it. To save a few minutes, they therefore take an unconsidered risk. I saw the bus go by and I didn’t want to miss it, and I crossed the tracks in the middle of the night, not looking right or left. I just wanted to save time. »

The artist remains marked for life

Unfortunately for the two young people, the Paris-Nantes train arrives at full speed. Result ? Jamel Debbouze’s comrade dies instantly. And he does not emerge unscathed from this shock. In 2019, he agreed to talk about his recovery with Konbini journalists. » The day they told me that I would no longer move my arm, I immediately asked the doctor if he could lend me his pen, to write with my left hand. It was an immediate reflex. Because, no time to lose, you see. »

Seriously injured, Jamel Debbouze nevertheless decides to surpass himself to regain his mobility. As for better fight against this handicap. « JI started dancing right away. It was a way of denying that I was held back or diminished or that I couldn’t do like the others. It was unthinkable. »

The rest, we know. In the years that followed, the comedian made his debut on CANAL +. Thereafter, he chained the big roles in the Fabulous destiny of Amélie Poulain, or Asterix and Obelix Mission Cleopatra. Now, Jamel Debbouze has made peace with his body. » But when you manage to have the distance, when you tell yourself that in the end if we’re not dead it doesn’t matter and when you manage to laugh about it, you live it better in general. »

Source : Pure People

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