Jakarta Inner City Toll Rates Increase Starting September 22, Here Are the Details

A number of vehicles pass near the Cawang Toll Gate, East Jakarta. (MI/ANDRI WIDIYANTO)

The toll rates on the Inner City Toll Road, namely the Cawang-Tomang-Pluit and Cawang-Tanjung Priok-East Ancol-Jembatan Tiga/Pluit sections, will increase starting September 22, 2024 at 00.00 WIB.

Head of the Regional Division of Jasamarga Metropolitan Tollroad Widiyatmiko Nursejati who coordinates the Cawang – Tomang – Pluit Toll Road in Jakarta said that this tariff adjustment was accompanied by an increase in services including in the fields of transactions, traffic and construction.

“Improvement of Transaction Services includes adding operation booths in order to increase transaction capacity by providing 32 Mobile Reader Units to speed up transaction time, Implementation and Development of Single Lane Free Flow (SLFF) transactions, Increasing transaction capacity consisting of 19 toll gates with 84 operation booths consisting of 48 Single Automatic Toll Booths (GTO) and 36 Multi GTO,” he said as quoted by Antara, Friday (20/9).

Meanwhile, based on the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) No. 2130/KPTS/M/2024 dated August 22, 2024 concerning the Adjustment of Toll Tariffs on the Cawang-Tomang-Pluit and Cawang-Tanjung Priok-East Ancol-Jembatan Tiga/Pluit Toll Road Sections (Inner City Toll Roads), the tariff adjustments on the Jakarta Inner City Toll Roads that have been adjusted are as follows:

Goal I: Rp11,000,- which was originally Rp10,500,-

Goal II: Rp16,500,- which was originally Rp15,500,-

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Goal III: Rp 16,500,- which was originally Rp 15,500,-

Goal IV: Rp 19,000,- which was originally Rp 17,500,-

Goal V: Rp19,000,- which was originally Rp17,500,-

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In addition, Widiyatmiko added that in terms of traffic services, Jasa Marga is currently installing 1 Dynamic Massage Sign (DMS) on access, 3 Mobile DMS Units, 16 Toll Gate DMS Units and 5 Lane DMS Units, Installation of 1 Speed ​​Camera and 262 CCTVs, and maintenance of traffic safety facilities with a total of 22 Operational Vehicle Fleets.

Meanwhile, in the construction sector, Jasa Marga has carried out periodic maintenance work in the form of Scrapping Filling Overlay (SFO), Public Street Lighting (PJU) Maintenance, Beautification and Land Scape Arrangement Work, Sign Maintenance Work, Median Concrete Barrier (MCB), Guardrail, Reflectors and toll road safety as well as embankment and channel construction work on toll roads.

According to Jasa Marga, toll tariff adjustments have been regulated in Article 48 paragraph (3) of Law Number 38 of 2004 concerning Roads and Article 68 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation (PP) Number 15 of 2005 concerning Toll Roads with the latest amendment in PP Number 17 of 2021. Based on these regulations, evaluation and adjustment of toll tariffs are carried out every two years based on the influence of the inflation rate.

This tariff adjustment, said Jasa Marga, is also needed as a form of certainty of investment returns for Toll Road Business Entities according to business plans, building and maintaining a conducive Toll Road investment climate in Indonesia, and maintaining and improving the level of toll road services. (Ant/P-5)

#Jakarta #City #Toll #Rates #Increase #Starting #September #Details



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