Jair Bolsonaro asks for a six-month visa to stay in the United States

Brazilian ex-president Jair Bolsonaro applied for a six-month visa to stay in the United States, a lawyer said Monday. the old president of the extreme right had left Brasil for the Florida two days before Lula’s investiture, on January 1, and his current visa is expected to expire soonaccording to law firm AG Immigration.

Jair Bolsonaro is said to have entered the United States on a visa issued to visiting leaders, which will expire on Tuesday as he is no longer on official business. The former Brazilian president had indicated on the CNN antenna in Brazil that he intended to return at the end of January and that he was even considering bringing forward his return for health reasons.

Jair Bolsonaro was the victim of a stabbing in 2018 during an electoral trip. He has since undergone several surgeries for bowel obstruction.

Riot investigation

On January 8, thousands of Bolsonaro supporters, unhappy with Lula da Silva’s victory over the far-right ex-president in the October 2022 presidential election, protested. invaded and vandalized the presidential palaceCongress and the Supreme Court in Brasilia.

Anderson Torres, former Minister of Justice Bolsonariste, was arrested on January 14 as part of the rampage investigation as he was flying home from the United States.

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