Jaeyong Lee, “For the first time in my life, I spend summer vacation alone with my mother” (General)

“COVID-19 is not caught yet”… This time, visit the Suwon plant and communicate with the MZ generation.

Reporting and receiving products directly from MZ generation employees

Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong visited the Suwon plant

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong visits the Suwon plant in Gyeonggi-do on the 26th and looks around strategic products to be launched next year. 2022.8.26 [삼성전자 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지] photo@yna.co.kr

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Jo Jae-young = “I had a good summer vacation this year. I spent the first time in my life with my mother (Mrs. Hong Ra-hee) alone. For 6 days and 5 nights.”

Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong visited the Suwon plant in Gyeonggi-do on the 26th and had a meeting with employees of the MZ generation in the DX (device experience) sector and communicated.

Vice-Chairman Lee honestly answered the questions asked by the employees at the meeting.

An employee said, “Actually, today is a vacation, so my friends have already left for Yangyang, but I came to meet the vice president. I told my friends that it was an ‘opportunity of a lifetime’,” said vice president Lee, also talking about his summer vacation.

Vice Chairman Lee laughed out loud when asked if he had a fight with his mother (during vacation), and said, “I didn’t fight.

To the question ‘Does your mother nagging a lot?’, he replied, “An old man in his 80s told me to eat a lot of vitamins and not to drink a lot of beer because he was worried about his son.” He replied, “I like beer.” He also introduced that he takes vitamin C.

Before the meeting, Vice Chairman Lee squeezed hand sanitizer to each employee, shook hands, and asked how they are about Corona 19, and said, “I haven’t caught it yet.”

When an employee asked for a video letter from an employee to his staff, Vice Chairman Lee readily left a video message on the employee’s cell phone, showing casual communication with the employees.

Jaeyong Lee visits Suwon plant and communicates with the MZ generation
Jaeyong Lee visits Suwon plant and communicates with the MZ generation

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong visits the Suwon plant in Gyeonggi-do on the 26th and holds a meeting with MZ generation employees. 2022.8.26 [삼성전자 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지] photo@yna.co.kr

MZ generation employees in charge of product and service development, marketing, and sales in VD·MX (mobile experience), home appliances, network divisions and big data centers attended the meeting.

They freely exchanged opinions on various topics, such as the interests and concerns of the MZ generation, the image of Samsung felt by the MZ generation, new business ideas for the future, and ways to spread an innovative organizational culture, the company said.

On the same day, Vice Chairman Lee also directly received a report on the strategic product to be launched next year from the employees of the MZ generation of the video display (VD) division.

The employees directly introduced and demonstrated the features and concepts of Samsung Electronics’ next products, such as micro LED, Neo QLED, QD OLED TV, and cloud game service, to Vice Chairman Lee.

This is the first time that Vice Chairman Lee received a report directly from employees of the MZ generation, not the management, regarding strategic products and services, and it is evaluated that it is an ‘extraordinary move’ that breaks the formalities.

Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong visits Suwon plant
Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong visits Suwon plant

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong visited the Suwon plant in Gyeonggi-do on the 26th and is receiving a report on a strategic product to be launched next year from employees of the MZ generation of the video display (VD) division. 2022.8.26 [삼성전자 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지] photo@yna.co.kr

Vice Chairman Lee attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the Samsung Electronics Giheung Campus semiconductor R&D complex on the 19th, right after the lottery, and on the 24th, Samsung Engineering[028050]The company is expanding the scope of on-site management by visiting the company, taking pictures with its employees, and holding meetings. Vice Chairman Lee will visit other business sites in sequence.

Vice Chairman Lee’s actions are interpreted as showing his will to understand and reflect the values ​​of the MZ generation not only in the organizational culture but also in strategic products and services.

Previously, Vice Chairman Lee returned from a business trip to Europe in June and emphasized that “we will create a flexible organizational culture that can adapt to changes.”

An official from the business community said, “The MZ generation has emerged as a key topic and keyword that shakes up all corporate activities, including products and services, working methods, and compensation.” As an important customer, Vice Chairman Lee will have no choice but to pay special attention.”

Jaeyong Lee visits Suwon plant and communicates with the MZ generation
Jaeyong Lee visits Suwon plant and communicates with the MZ generation

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong visits the Suwon plant in Gyeonggi-do on the 26th and holds a meeting with MZ generation employees. 2022.8.26 [삼성전자 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지] photo@yna.co.kr


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