Jackson & Kent: building apps has never been so human

Dsince 2009, Jackson & Kent offers its services for creating digital solutions with an original approach.

The customer at the heart of the creative process

At Jackson & Kent, there is no question of establishing a client/provider relationship. On the contrary. The success of a project depends above all on pooling the know-how of the client and the agency. The latter becomes an actor in the creative process, bringing his expertise. Valuable expertise that allows the team of Adrien and Nicolas to target the relevant features for the project.

Farewell then to the specifications which take time and which are rarely adapted to the needs of the client. And, although this decision to break the codes may seem risky, it actually allows you to obtain a totally personalized result. “As the project progresses, the client will want to change certain things, add functionalities, remove others”. Nothing is therefore set in stone, which leaves the field of possibilities open.

Advice before the realization

Although Jackson & Kent’s main clientele is large groups, the agency responds to all requests. Staying tuned to all needs is important to them. But, aware that the creation of an application requires a significant budget, they make it a point of honor to work only on innovative projects.

“To finance an application, it is often necessary to raise substantial funds and convince your superiors. It’s better if it’s for a product that hasn’t been developed yet”. This is why if solutions already exist, they will offer them as a priority to the client. Creating to create does not interest them. Above all, they want to solve problems, provide tools that will help their customers on a daily basis. And it is undoubtedly this human approach which is their strength and which led them, one day, to create a promising application.

When a simple application becomes a best seller

In their career, they would never have imagined that one of their products would become a real opportunity. Yet this is what happened when they started working on an application to map risks and then manage them: Risk Management Platform. Originally, it was an interface intended for internal use in the legal department of a large company. But Adrien and Nicolas had never foreseen the enthusiasm that this solution was going to cause.

It was without counting on word of mouth! First internally between the various subsidiaries, Risk Management Platform then conquered the managers of other companies.

Because, it must be admitted: this application, rewarded at the Business Law Summit, is a real revolution that has its place in any business! Adapted to legal, audit, ESG or HSE departments, the application makes it possible to assess the risks of a company and its subsidiaries, while involving the dedicated teams. It is also the possibility of finding solutions upstream. New prospects are therefore opening up for Jackson & Kent.

Adrien and Nicolas plan to market Risk Management Platform in the coming months, aware that it can provide valuable assistance in many business sectors. For more than 10 years, Jackson & Kent has been committed to helping its customers by offering them personalized digital solutions. Thanks to its human and original approach, the results are there: satisfied customers who do not hesitate to come back for their new projects.



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