Jackson acknowledges that a possible Rejection victory would complicate President Boric’s agenda | Special

Monday June 27, 2022 | 08:47

After the results obtained by the Rejection option in two surveys revealed yesterday, Minister Giorgio Jackson reflected on how President Gabriel Boric’s government program would work if the draft of the New Constitution falls.

On Sunday they met two polls that showed increases in the intention to vote for the Rejection option in the exit plebiscite for September 4.

The biggest change was shown by the survey Cadem Public Squarewhere 51% said they were in favor of rejecting the text emanating from the Constitutional Conventionthe highest figure to date.

Meanwhile, in the survey Citizen Pulse44.4% of the population would be rejecting the draft of the New Constitution.

This was an obligatory topic of conversation in the program Tolerancia Cero, from our associated media CNN Chilewhich had as a guest the Minister Secretary General of the Presidency, Giorgio Jackson.

The Secretary of State was consulted on whether it was a mistake have tied the fate of the government of President Gabriel Boric to the result that the plebiscite might have. Let us remember that it has been insisted that the current Constitution would prevent some of the reforms that are being promoted.

In this regard, Jackson pointed out that “we are going to have to work from September 5 how we make the most of our program workable of government”.

Along with this, he pointed out that in La Moneda they handle surveys on this topic with other numbers, but with “similar moving trends.”

Why is the intention to vote for the Rejection increased?

The authority was also asked why he thinks people want to reject the draft, to which he replied that “There is a very bad evaluation of what the process has been, of the conventional ones and of the episodes that have occurred”.

“(This) has had a lot of media coverage because it is a transparent process, this was not written between four walls, this has had a disclosure of things that can be successes, but also of all the missteps that have occurred during the process”he pointed.

Finally, Jackson also had words regarding the controversy of the “Irina Karamanos Cabinet”. The minister said that “nobody from the political committee had access to that information until it was disclosed, thematized and resolved, the next day, in one day.”

“This is a resolution that changed the denomination for purposes of communication between the ministries, but it was not a political definitionas the government spokeswoman said, “he added.



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