J. Pinskus: the goal of the panic-mongers is a demoralized Lithuanian society?

“All phrases and actions are focused on a specific result, but I did not understand what result the members of this Government are aiming for with their statements,” said Jonas Pinskus, chairman of the Party of Regions of Lithuania. – The line between mobilizing the public, uniting it and scaring them is very thin. In this case, in my understanding, it was overstepped.

If such languages ​​were expected to bring people together, now it is obvious that the opposite has happened: both people and businesses are withdrawing from Lithuania and no one is in a hurry to invest here. Despite this, the rhetoric of those in power does not change, which allows us to say that panic is purposefully sown in the state, so such things should not be praised, but punished. Maybe not the way rioters are treated in war, when they are simply shot, but the punishments must be severe.”

According to the politician, public mobilization is carried out by other means.

“It is necessary to implement patriotic education in the education system of the country, to encourage people to be proud of the Motherland, to love its history and culture, to emphasize that one’s own state is necessary for the survival of the nation. Maybe then young people of conscription age will choose not fines, but service to their country.

It is also no secret that Lithuania lacks not only hiding places, but also sirens, not to mention anti-aircraft defense systems. Some actors propose to solve the problem with new taxes, but money can be saved by reducing the bloated bureaucracy and not rushing to share it with others.

I don’t dispute that it is necessary to help the struggling Ukraine, but maybe we should first take care of the safety of our people, let’s invest in them, because it is the people of Lithuania who are our greatest asset, but they themselves don’t feel that way, – J. Pinskus reminded another important moment. – I will give just one example – the Lithuanian real estate market is stagnating because residents are buying homes in Spain, the USA, Cyprus, Thailand, Bali or the United Arab Emirates.

This shows that people do not believe that the country’s government will defend them in the event of a conflict or that they will help to defend themselves, so they are already taking care of withdrawal plans. If similar trends continue, the day may soon come when there will be no one left to defend Lithuania. Although, remembering all the “jobs” of the current Government and the fact that in fact Russia won in all cases, maybe this is the goal of the rulers – a demoralized, panic-stricken and unprepared country, which, like in the middle of the last century, will be able to be occupied without firing a single shot ?”

#Pinskus #goal #panicmongers #demoralized #Lithuanian #society
2024-03-30 22:48:35



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