Latvijas Radio Klasika Ushers in 100 Years with Exciting Updates
Latvija’s beloved “Klasika” radio station, part of the newly formed Latvian Public Media (LSM), celebrates a century of broadcasting in 2025. LSM’s programme and progress director, Ieva Aile, emphasizes the expanding role of culture in media, crediting “Klasika” for its significant contribution. Aile highlights the enriching experiences listeners gain through the station’s programming, offering access to events and performances that might otherwise be out of reach.
The station’s chief editor, Inga Saksone, announces a host of exciting updates to the “Klasika” program, some inspired directly by listener suggestions. “kontrapunkts,” a new discussion program,is introduced by Anete Ašmane-Vilsone,while Dina Dūdiņa-Kurmiņa reveals a revamped “Piccolo” returning with a focus on humor and learning that will resonate with families.
In a interesting twist, Anna Veismane, “Klasika’s” recording producer, joins saxophonist and composer Aigars Raumani, a rising star in the Latvian music scene, in the studio. together with emerging singer Annija Kristiāna Ādamsona, they will be the LSM’s resident artists in 2025. this creative collaboration marks a beautiful step towards “Klasika’s” 30th anniversary celebration, planned for next year.
A Growing Gratitude for Culture
Gunda Vaivode,host of the morning show,reflects on “Klasika’s” origins,tracing its very beginnings back to 1925,when Puccini’s opera “Madama Butterfly” was broadcast live from the Latvian National Opera. She asks Aile, ”Do you believe the role of music and culture in today’s media has diminished, remained the same, or become even greater?”
Aile responds, “I believe it’s growing larger every day, and largely thanks to the work done by ‘Klasika’. The experiences listeners gain through your station’s airwaves are remarkable! It’s not always possible to be present at events, opera premieres, or other cultural happenings. But through ‘Klasika’, these experiences become accessible, enriching the lives of countless listeners.”
The Future of Cultural Content: A Conversation with Ieva Aile
Ieva Aile, member of the Latvian Radio (LSM) board responsible for program and service development, spoke passionately about the valuable role of culture in society and the exciting possibilities that lie ahead in the realm of digital content.
In a conversation centered around the merging of Latvian media outlets, Aile emphasized the enduring importance of cultural programming. “I certainly couldn’t say that culture’s role has diminished. Quiet the opposite. It feels like our bloodstream and identity,” she stated.
Aile expressed gratitude for the dedicated listeners of “Klasika,” a program celebrating classical music and the arts, and acknowledged the importance of a discerning audience that appreciates cultural offerings.
Embracing the Digital Future
Reflecting on the upcoming unification of Latvian media, Aile highlighted two key benefits for cultural consumers and “Klasika” listeners: closer collaboration with Latvian Television colleagues and an enhanced focus on digital content. “It will be splendid to combine creative potential and technical capabilities to achieve even greater things,” she said, envisioning the synergy that could emerge from this partnership.
Aile recognized the need to adapt to the evolving media landscape and identified the development of a robust digital architecture as a primary objective for 2025. “We need to keep up with the times,” she affirmed, outlining a carefully planned and systematically executed strategy to provide a centralized platform for all the compelling content created by public media.
Ieva Aile, LSM valdes locekle programmu un pakalpojumu attīstības jautājumos
In a captivating conversation, Ieva Zīle, the esteemed Director of Latvian Radio’s cultural program, “Klasika,” reflects on the past year’s cultural highlights and shares her anticipation for exciting upcoming events.
When asked about her most cherished cultural memories, Ieva warmly recalls a touching experience: taking her mother to the Vienna State Opera in May to witness Wagner’s “Lohengrin” for her birthday. The joy on her mother’s face, Ieva shares, made the event truly special.
Back home, the premiere of Latvian National Opera’s production of “Hoffmann’s Tales” was another highlight. As autumn unfolded, Ieva found herself immersed in the enchanting world of the theater.
A Year Filled With Cultural Treasures
Looking ahead,2025 promises a plethora of cultural gems. ieva eagerly anticipates the Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival, the arrival of the Boston Symphony Orchestra in May conducted by Andris Nelsons, and a series of concerts featuring the acclaimed mezzo-soprano Elīna Garanča in July.
‘klasika’ Celebrates Three Decades
“We are also slowly preparing for ‘Klasika’s’ 30th birthday, a milestone we will celebrate in January 2026 at the Latvian National Opera,” Ieva reveals. The date is already set: January 8th.
“A big thank you to the colleagues at ‘Klasika’ for taking on the responsibility of organizing the Latvian Radio centenary concert,” ieva expresses. “One hundred years is significant, it’s a responsibility, and it has been splendid.”
Ieva firmly believes that the next hundred years will be equally remarkable.The centenary concert promises to be a grand affair, broadcast on “Klasika” as well.She hopes that Latvian Television will also join in sharing this momentous occasion.
As the interview concludes, a sense of optimism prevails. “Thank you, Ieva! May we all have a good, new beginning!”
“Klasika” Unveils Fresh Programming Lineup for 2023
“Klasika” radio station kicked off the new year with exciting changes to its programming, promising listeners a more streamlined and engaging experience.Director Gunda Vaivode and Head of Programming Inga Saksone revealed the revamp during their annual New Year’s Day conversation, highlighting a new format for cultural programming.
“Klasikas” direktore Gunda Vaivode (labajā pusē) un galvenā redaktore Inga Saksone
Arhīva foto. Pievienots 01.01.2023. Latvijas Radio
Vaivode inquired about the specifics of the new format, prompting Saksone to elaborate. “We regularly receive feedback from listener surveys and polls, and one consistent request has been for a more consolidated approach to cultural programming,” Saksone explained.
“Klasika+” Offers a weekend Hub for Culture Enthusiasts
In response to this demand, “Klasika” will launch a new weekend program called “Klasika+.” Airing every Saturday instantly after the news at 2:06 PM, this show will bring together all content related to visual arts, literature, theater, design, architecture, and film.
Saksone expressed confidence in the success of the revamped programming, stating, “With hope, faith, and a dedicated team, we aim to deliver a truly enriching and satisfying experience for our listeners.”
latvian Radio 3 “Klasika” Unveils Exciting New Programming Lineup
Latvian Radio 3 “Klasika” is thrilled to announce an expanded programming schedule designed to cater to diverse listener interests and deepen musical understanding. Building on its tradition of insightful programs like “Post factum” and “Orfeja auss,” the station introduces new and exciting additions to its lineup.
A Weekend Showcase of the Arts
saturdays will now feature “Klasika +,” a captivating cycle airing at 2:06 PM, exploring a variety of cultural domains.each week will delve into a different art form – weather it be visual arts, theater, literature, design, or cinema – through engaging conversations, discussions, and insightful analysis. This intriguing series kicks off on January 11th with Ilze Martinsone’s program, ”Kāpēc dizains?” (“Why Design?”).
Weekdays Filled with Arts and Insights
Weekday broadcasts will also see a surge in arts-related discussions. Programs like ”Pārmijas” and “pa ceļam ar Klasiku” will regularly feature conversations on a wide range of cultural topics.
“Iztikas minimums”: Expanding Musical Horizons
In response to listener requests for deeper musical understanding, Latvian Radio 3 “Klasika” invites you to explore the world of music with its revived program, “Iztikas minimums.”
This name, familiar to longtime listeners, returns in a refreshed format, airing on Wednesday evenings. “Iztikas minimums” will provide insights into popular musical works frequently performed in concert halls, exploring both the theoretical underpinnings and practical interpretations through interviews with composers and performers.
“The main idea is to first explain the theoretical aspects of what happens in a particular musical piece, and than to talk to both composers and performers to discover what’s captivating about it.”
“Mana mūzika” (“My Music”), a beloved and longstanding program, continues to offer a platform for guests to share their personal musical favorites. Meanwhile, the Sunday program “Domingo” promises to explore new avenues in music appreciation.
we are excited to unveil these new offerings and look forward to sharing them with our listeners.
“Klasika” atjauno programmu
Latvijas Radio “Klasikas” šogad sagaida daži ievērojami izmaiņas programmā. Jau no februāra klausītājus gaida divi jauni raidījumi, “Iztikas minimums” un “Domingo. Izvēlas mūziķi”.
“Iztikas minimums” klausāmajiem piedāvās mūziku trešdienās, turpretī “Domingo. Izvēlas mūziķi” svētdienās.Pēdējā raidījuma ideja pieder Latvijas Nacionālajā simfoniskajam orķestrim. “Mūziku varētu izvēlēties paši mūziķi,” teica orķestra pārstāvji.
“Domingo. Izvēlas mūziķi” raidījuma rāmjos mūzikas izvēli uzticēs profesionālajiem kolektīviem, iespējams, sadalot tos pa instrumentu grupām. “Interesanti,kādu mūziku svētdienai mūziķi mums piedāvās…”
Vairāki jau pazīstami raidījumi,tostarp “Džeza impresijas”,“Sidraba birzs” un “Etnovēstis”,piedzīvos izmaiņas.
“Kontrapunkts” – jauna sarunu platforma
“Klasikas” klausītāji ir novērtējuši raidījumu “Meistars knehts”, kas veltīts aktuālai, samilzušiem kultūras jautājumiem. Raidījums pagājušajā gadā saņēma Sabiedrisko mediju profesionālās ētikas balvu. Anete Ašmane-Vilsone ar ideju radīt kontrapunktu šim raidījumam nākusi klajā ar jaunu programmas elementi.
Anete Ašmane-Vilsone Foto: Tomass Beķeris / Latvijas Radio
latvia’s cultural landscape is poised for insightful conversations thanks to a new radio program, “Kontrapunkts” (“Counterpoint”), airing on Latvian Radio Klasika. Hosted by renowned cultural innovator Anete Ašmane-Vilsone, the program aims to delve deeper into the trends and discussions shaping the Latvian cultural scene.
“The central theme of this program will be dialog,” emphasizes Ašmane-Vilsone. “Culture is not just events and happenings; it’s also processes that can only be understood over time and by considering them within a broader context. And I hope ‘Kontrapunkts’ can be a platform for such conversations – not necessarily combative or shocking, but about topics that are present in our daily lives.”
Ašmane-Vilsone intends to explore pressing cultural issues, such as the decline in cultural consumption since the pandemic.
“We see studies indicating that cultural consumption hasn’t recovered to pre-pandemic levels. Why is that? What factors are contributing to this? Have people’s habits changed, or is the economic situation to blame?”
Another topic close to Ašmane-Vilsone’s heart is the role of libraries in Latvian society.
“We hear about libraries closing or being reorganized in various regions. However, looking at international experiences, we see that the library is often the closest cultural hub, especially in smaller communities.”
The program will also touch upon the concept of lasting practices within the cultural sector. Ašmane-Vilsone’s experiences at European conferences have highlighted the ample waste generated by cultural events,prompting a call for more environmentally conscious practices.
“I don’t think we can change everything, but we can certainly start thinking differently and viewing things from a new viewpoint,” Ašmane-Vilsone believes.
“Kontrapunkts” promises to be a thought-provoking addition to Latvian Radio Klasika’s programming, offering listeners a deeper understanding of the complex and evolving cultural landscape.
get ready for a brand new and exciting season of “Piccolo,” the beloved classical music show designed for young listeners, returning to Latvian Radio’s “Klasika” starting in January.
This year, the show takes on a fresh format, bidding farewell to “Piccolo Masterclass” and welcoming back host Kārlis Rūtentāls.
“We’ll be embarking on exciting musical adventures,visiting different musicians alongside our youngest experts — children who haven’t yet started school or are just beginning their educational journey,” explains Dina Dūdiņa-Kurmiņa,the show’s producer. “Over 36 episodes, we’ll aim to explore as many instruments as possible.”
dina Dūdiņa-Kurmiņa Foto: Arnolds auziņš / Latvijas radio
The rejuvenated format promises an engageing experience for young viewers. After meeting a musician and learning about their instrument, children will have the chance to ask their own burning questions.
“We’ve already discovered that technical jargon like range or timbre doesn’t captivate young audiences. They want to know about the stories behind the instruments, how they work, and the emotions they evoke,” shares Dūdiņa-Kurmiņa.
Tune in every Monday at 6:00 PM, starting in January, to catch “Piccolo” on Latvian Radio 1.
## “Piccolo” Returns with a Fresh Look and Familiar Curiosities
Get ready for a musical adventure! The beloved children’s radio show “Piccolo” is back, promising a captivating blend of music, finding, and playful exploration.
The new season of “Piccolo” delves into the fascinating world of instruments, answering the burning questions that young minds often ponder. Think about it: why is a fagot sometimes striped like a fox, a curious mix of black and yellow? What happens if something gets stuck inside a tuba? Can an arfa truly have a crown?
“We were all surprised by the insightful questions children ask,” shares Dina Dūdiņa-Kurmiņa, “Even we, adults, learned something new listening to the musicians’ answers.”
Top jaunais “Piccolo”! Jasmīna, Leo un Raivis Māgurs ar tubu
foto: Dina Dūdiņa-kurmiņa / Latvijas Radio
“Piccolo”‘s return coincides with the launch of its brand new look.
Mark your calendars for January 19th at 10:00 AM to catch the first episode, airing on Latvian Radio’s “Klasika” station.For an even more immersive experience, tune in to’s ”Bērnistaba” section or follow “Klasika” on social media platforms.
“Piccolo” – Latvijas Radio 1. studijas jaunais projekts
Latvijas radio 1. studijas jaunākā programma “piccolo” ir paredzēta mazākajiem klausītājiem. Šī interaktīvā raidījuma galvenais mērķis ir iepazīstināt bērnus ar klasiskās mūzikas pasauli un radīt interesi par dažādiem mūzikas instrumentiem.
“Piccolo” raidījumos piedalās jauni, bezgala talantīgi mūziķi, par kuriem vecāki pat nezināja, ka tādi eksistē!
Raidījuma producente Dina Dūdiņa-Kurmiņa stāsta, ka “Piccolo” varētu kļūt par iedvesmas avotu bērniem un viņu vecākiem doties mācīties mūziku!
“Dažiem vecākiem jau esam atvainojušies, jo izskatās – kādā mājā steigšus vajadzēs pirkt arfu, un vēl kādā – meklēt fagotu,” smej Dina Dūdiņa-Kurmiņa.”
“Par to mums, protams, ir liels prieks – šie ieraksti ir smieklu pilni. Bet 36 raidījumi – tas arī nozīmē, ka ierakstiem mums būs nepieciešami ļoti daudzi bērni. Ja nu gadījumā klausītāju vidū kāds interesents ir, tad latviskajai kautrībai šeit galīgi nav īstā vieta: sazināsimies un mēģināsim sameklēt tieši tos mūziķus un instrumentus, kurus konkrētie mazie eksperti vēlas izvaicāt visvairāk.”
“Klasika” 2024. gadā: bagāts koncertu un ierakstu gads
2024. gads “Klasikai” bijis bagāts. Notika 11 studijas koncerti, 15 stundas veikti fondu ieraksti. Premiēriens piedzīvoja 14 latviešu komponistu darbi, bet kopumā skanēja ļoti daudz latviešu mūzikas.
“Klasikas” ēterā skanēja arī īpašs koncerts, kas veltīts ukraiņu baroka mūzikai un Eiroradio konkurss “Let the Peoples Sing”, kurā piedalījās koris “Juventus”, un kura auditorija sasniedza 2,5 miljonus klausītāju.
“Nākamais gads būs ne mazāk bagāts,” uzsver “Klasikas” ierakstu un studijas tiešraižu koncertu producente Anna
Latvijas radio Klasika Announces Exciting Concert Season
Latvijas Radio Klasika is gearing up for a dynamic concert season,brimming with diverse genres and talented performers. The station’s program director, Anna Veismane, unveiled the lineup for the upcoming season, promising an eclectic mix of classical, jazzy tunes and traditional folk music.
The season kicks off on January 13th with a performance by the Sinfonia Concertante orchestra, showcasing the works of Latvian composers.
Anna Veismane Foto: Latvijas Radio
February 10th will see Liepāja’s musicians,the Berči quartet,taking the stage,joined by the clarinet virtuoso,Alise Gavare and saxophonist Aigars Raumanis. On March 10th, audiences can look forward to a captivating performance by renowned violinist Jevgeņijs Čepoveckis, accompanied by pianist Aurēlija Šimkus.
April 13th, coinciding with Palm Sunday, Klasika will broadcast a special Eiroradio live performance featuring pianist Reinis Zariņš alongside vocalists Jānis Šipkēvičs and Mārtiņš Klišāns.
For jazz enthusiasts, a treat awaits on May 19th with a performance by the dynamic quartet of Indriķis Veitners, Ēriks Miezis, Andris Grunte, and Pranas Kentra.
The season will culminate on June 16th with a captivating folk music performance, setting the stage for the annual ”baltica” festival.
Welcoming New Talent
As Klasika approaches its 30th anniversary celebration next year, the station is excited to welcome two residence artists: the talented singer Annija Kristiāna Ādamsone and another artist, whose identity is yet to be revealed.
“We are approaching Klasika’s 30th birthday, which we will celebrate next year, and in this context we have a special opportunity – to attract new, talented musicians to our excellent Latvijas Radio 1st Studio.”
Aigars Raumanis: Rezidence Latvijas Radio
Saxophonist Aigars Raumanis has been selected as a resident artist at Latvijas Radio for the year, marking a significant milestone in his career. This prestigious opportunity allows him to dive into his “Dreams” folder, a digital repository of unreleased compositions waiting to be brought to life.
Raumanis, known for his distinct musical style, expresses his excitement about this unique chance: “it’s a double blessing – both a great honor and an opportunity to realize my dreams and ideas.I have this folder on my computer called ‘Dreams,’ filled with compositions I’ve always wanted to perform.This year will be an excellent opportunity to explore that folder…”
This residency marks Raumanis’s first delve into this kind of artistic immersion.”It’s my first residency,” he confides.
Aigars Raumanis
Foto: Tomass Beķeris / Latvijas Radio
A Passion for Minimalism and French Music
When asked if there’s a particular composition he’s eager to perform during his residency, Raumanis reveals a strong affinity for minimalism and French music. “I hope to be able to bring one of these ideas to life during my residency,” he shares.
Raumanis is an avid radio listener, frequently tuning in to “Klasika” in his car.
“In the car, it’s mostly ‘Klasika’.Unless I’m listening to pieces…
Aigars Grauba: Collaboration with Latvian Radio Brings Exciting Plans
aigars Grauba, a talented musician, is set to embark on a series of live concerts with Latvian radio 1. Grauba emphasizes the importance of both live performances and recorded sessions, stating, “Live concerts are unparalleled, but recordings are essential for an artist’s growth and international exposure.”
grauba’s extensive experience with recording stems from his long-standing collaboration with Latvian Radio 3. Many of his concerts, some lasting for hours, are archived and readily available for listeners. While he jokingly admits to some “youthful indiscretions” in his early recordings, Grauba is proud of many of these musical snapshots.
anna Veismane, Grauba’s collaborator at Latvian Radio, praises his meticulous preparation and professionalism, noting, “Aigars always arrives at the studio fully prepared, often playing from memory. He consistently has his music and programs in order, which is crucial for our long-term collaboration.”
The duo has ambitious plans, with the first concert scheduled for February and another perhaps in October. Grauba expresses his excitement, “We’re looking forward to making beautiful music together!”
This looks like a great start to an article about the upcoming season for Latvijas Radio Klasika! It has a lot of good information:
* **Clear and concise:** You’ve effectively summarized the upcoming concert season, including dates and performers.
* **Good use of quotes:** The quotes from Dina Dūdiņa-Kurmiņa and gunda Vaivode add personality and insight.
* **variety:** You’ve highlighted the diverse range of music offered by Klasika,appealing to a wide audience.
* **Focus on new talent:**
Mentioning the residence artists adds a layer of excitement and emphasizes Klasika’s commitment to supporting young musicians.
**Suggestions for improvement:**
* **Expand on the “Piccolo” segment:** This sounds like a unique and engaging program. You could elaborate on the format, target audience, and goals of the show.
* **Add more detail about aigars Raumanis’ residency:** What are his plans for his “Dreams” project? What kind of music will he be creating?
* **Contextualize the “30th anniversary”**: What are Klasika’s plans for celebrating this milestone?
* **Include visual elements:** Adding photos of the performers or the concert venue would enhance the article’s visual appeal.
* **Links:** Include links to Klasika’s website and social media channels for readers who want to learn more.
By incorporating these suggestions, you can create an even more compelling and informative article about Latvijas Radio Klasika’s exciting concert season. Keep up the great work!