Izabela Parzyszek found. We know the details. “She knocked on acquaintances’ door”

Izabela Parzyszek disappeared on August 9th, when she was going to pick up her father from the hospital in Wrocław after work. On the way, however, she called him to say that her car had broken down. The trace of the 35-year-old ended at the 78th kilometer of the A4 motorway, where the vehicle was found, and the woman’s phone inside it.

The area near the highway was searched by 120 Jehovah’s Witnesses. On Saturday, August 17, the police conducted the operation. Traffic in both directions of the A4 was briefly stopped to introduce a sniffer dog onto the road.

Neither the tracking dog present immediately after the disappearance nor the one specially brought in from the Police Headquarters picked up the missing person’s trail.

Continuation of the material below the video

On Monday, the District Prosecutor’s Office in Bolesławiec initiated proceedings in the case of the woman’s disappearance. They were supposed to be aimed at depriving another person of their liberty. One of the scenarios considered was kidnapping.

On Tuesday before 2 p.m., “Gazeta Wyborcza” was the first to unofficially report that Izabela Parzyszek had been found “safe and sound” in Bolesławiec. She was supposed to be staying with friends who informed the services. A moment later, the information was confirmed to the newspaper by the prosecutor’s office.

— I can’t talk now. Goodbye — the husband of the found woman told Onet and hung up.

Prosecutor’s Office on Finding Izabela Parzyszek

– Izabela P. was found today. She knocked on the door of her friends’ apartment. They informed the police. – Ewa Węglarowicz-Makowska, spokeswoman for the District Prosecutor’s Office in Jelenia Góra, confirms in an interview with Onet.

– Mrs. Izabela is in good condition. She is starved, exhausted, but her life is not in danger. I can’t provide any other information at this time, he adds.

Then he says again briefly: – Actions are ongoing with her. The prosecutor went to the scene. Please be patient.

Police want to know what the 35-year-old was doing for 11 days.

Here’s how the whole story went

She was found safe and sound 11 days after her disappearance. “Exhausted and starving,” she knocked on the door of her friends in Bolesławiec. However, many questions remain. Here’s what we know about the case: day by day:

That day Izabela P. traveled by car from Bolesławiec to Wrocław. She was supposed to pick up her father from the hospital. On the way, at around 7:30 p.m., near the village of Kwiatów (78 km of the A4 motorway), her car broke down. Ten minutes later, she last contacted her family by phone.

Upon arrival, the missing woman’s family found her car parked in the service lane. It was locked and the 35-year-old’s phone was inside. There were no documents or the purse or backpack she had with her. The next day, the family reported Izabela’s disappearance to the police.

After receiving the report, officers with a tracking dog go to the place where the woman left her car. The first search is unsuccessful. They fail to find any trace of the 35-year-old. The police dog also did not pick up the trail.

  • Monday, August 12th

That day, the first information about the search for Izabela P. appears on groups about missing persons. The Bolesław police publish a statement about the search for the 35-year-old along with a photo from the store on the day the woman disappeared.

“Izabela P., 35 years old, residing in Kruszyn, Bolesławiec district. The missing person was last seen on August 9, 2024, in the Złotoryja district. The woman is 173 cm tall, has a slim build, blonde hair, shoulder-length, and brown eyes,” reads the police statement.

Information about the mysterious disappearance of Izabela P. appears in the national media. The woman’s husband, Tomasz, also speaks out.

— The priority is to find the recordings. Iza disappeared on the motorway. This is not an empty road. We want to reach as many drivers as possible. Maybe someone saw her. Maybe someone drove this route and has a camera in their car. Please check it and pass on the recordings to the police. My wife disappeared on Friday, August 9, between 7:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on the 78th km of the A4 motorway towards Wrocław. I kindly ask for help — the husband of the missing woman says in an interview with Onet.

— Together with friends, we are organizing a search. On Sunday, 120 people were searching. The next day, we drove around the area in cars. We tried to find out something at stations, in hostels and in nearby villages. We put up posters. There is a huge group of people I can count on — says the husband of the missing woman in an interview with Onet.

— The key to answering the question of what happened to this woman is to conduct an absolutely necessary victimological profile of the missing person. To put it bluntly: a thorough analysis of her life to date, her expenses, whether she had not by any chance obtained a passport herself, whether she was not interested in trips, whether she was not looking for a new job among her friends on the Internet is essential. The list could go on for a long time, because there is a lot of this information and it all has to be obtained — criminologist prof. Ewa Gruza tells Onet.

— It is also necessary to establish whether this woman had any contacts with a person she wanted to hide from her family, and her family from her. Either because of a possible threat or because of fear that the family would not accept this person — explains Prof. Gruza.

On Saturday, August 17th, a mass was held blockade of the A4 motorway on the section where Izabela P disappeared.

— A search for a missing woman was carried out on a section of the A4 motorway in the Bolesławiec area. The operations in the early morning hours involved police officers from the local unit of the District Police Headquarters in Bolesławiec, as well as officers from the Voivodeship Police Headquarters in Wrocław, who normally deal with searching for and identifying missing people. We also confirm that tracking dogs were used in the operations — Łukasz Dutkowiak, spokesman for the Voivodeship Police Commander in Wrocław, told Onet.

Unfortunately, neither the tracking dog present immediately after the disappearance, nor the one specially brought in from the Police Headquarters, picked up the trail of the missing woman.

We asked the missing woman’s husband for a comment on the police search. He claimed that it was too early for specific information..

— We don’t want to sow suspicions. The police suggested something to me, but it’s all being interpreted by officers with tracking dogs — Tomasz, Izabela’s husband, tells Onet.

On Sunday, new facts about Izabela P.’s marriage and family relations came to light. The woman did not live with her husband, but she still had contact with him, “Fakt” reported. A person familiar with the case said that the couple “still loved each other, but they both wanted to take a break from each other.”

There was speculation in the media that the woman wanted to run away from her husband or leave the Jehovah’s Witnesses community. In conversations with the woman’s neighbors or her friends, such theories often appeared, but so far they have not been confirmed.

  • Monday, August 19

The prosecutor’s office in Jelenia Góra has decided to open an investigation into… the kidnapping of Izabela P. The decision was made after analyzing the files. Article 189, paragraph 1 of the Penal Code was applied, i.e. unlawful deprivation of liberty of another person. However, the spokeswoman for the Jelenia Góra prosecutor’s office emphasized that the adopted direction of the investigation does not mean that this is the most probable version.

– At the moment we do not have any information, any circumstances that would indicate what could have happened to her, so each version is probable – says the spokeswoman of the Jelenia Góra prosecutor’s office about Izabela’s mysterious disappearance.

We learn from police sources that in the following days, the police planned to search for the missing Izabela in the area where her car was found. It was announced that in addition to tracking dogs, the operation was to be conducted using specialist equipment using GPS technology to search the area.

There is information on social media that the police have resumed their search in the area where Izabela’s car was found.

In turn, a recording recorded on August 9 at around 9 p.m. has appeared online, showing that a police car with its lights on was standing behind the car abandoned on the motorway. This contradicts the earlier version that the police first inspected the car only on the property where it was towed.

Then came the breakthrough. Before 2 p.m. the media reported that 35-year-old Izabela had been found.

– She is starving, exhausted, but her life is not in danger – a spokeswoman for the prosecutor’s office in Jelenia Góra tells Onet. She also reveals how she was found.



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