Ivory Coast: the management of cancer in children

2023-06-26 09:41:45

More and more children, often very young, are victims of cancer, in different forms, without the precise causes being known. It is difficult, in this context, to quickly detect the disease and impossible, unlike adult cancer, to carry out prevention. So how do you manage this disease in young children? To find out, Igor Strauss went to the Pediatric Oncology Unit of the Treichville University Hospital in Abidjan, the first unit dedicated to children in Côte d’Ivoire, created in 1995.

While there are now two other pediatric units dedicated to childhood cancer, Bingerville Mother-Child Hospital and at CHU de Bouaké, that of Treichville remains the most important. Of the 350 new childhood cancers detected each year in Côte d’Ivoire, 250 are treated in CHU de Treichville.

How does such a service work? How to announce to a parent that his child is the victim of an incurable illness or talk regarding a relapse? Should we explain the disease to children and how to talk to them regarding death? Ethical and philosophical questions that punctuate the daily life of the nursing staff in this unit.

► A long format report byIgor Strauss.

#Ivory #Coast #management #cancer #children

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