“I’ve always enjoyed playing with another dominant interior”

Freshly arrived at the Minnesota Timberwolves, Rudy Gobert spoke on the occasion of the traditional Media Day. And frankly, it makes you really want to see him associated with Karl-Anthony Towns.

That’s it, we’re there, it’s starting to smell of powder and we can already hear the sounds of sneakers sliding on the floor. The NBA hasn’t officially resumed yet, but if the 30 previews in 30 days aren’t enough for you, there are plenty of crisp statements to go and devour from the side of the franchises and their traditional Media Day. Yesterday it was the turn of the Minnesota Timberwolves to pass the microphone, with Rudy Gobert talkative enough to teaser the upcoming season. The native of Saint-Quentin spoke about his adaptation to Chris Finch’s roster, his desire to remain himself, to win as a team leader, and of course… his association with KAT.

“At Jazz, I played with 4 wingers. But I’ve always liked playing with another dominant inside, because I know how to pass, play on short roll, in different situations… People don’t know that, but I can find my teammates, make them better. – Rudy Gobert

This association, since the announcement of the trade, everyone has imagined and discussed around what it could give. We will see Rudy move differently, without changing register (he is not capable of it, and it is especially not what we ask of him). Scoring may not be his forte, playing with a second dominant interior will create space in small perimeters (possible triangle game?). We saw great sequences at the Euro during which Rudy and Vincent Poirier served each other, without however experiencing great success under the circle. He will have to progress in the passing game, a story that KAT – finishing monster – keeps his offensive averages, so precious to the team.

“For me this team has no limit. When you look at the roster, the talent he has is incredible. I’m lucky to be surrounded by guys who can do anything. Now, we have to take good habits, work, and improve every day. – Rudy Gobert

Rudy Gobert is not the only enthusiast at the start of this 2022-23 season. Also present at the Media Day, Anthony Edwards told a rather amusing little anecdote which says a lot about the impact of this tradeas reported by journalist Dane Moore present on the spot.

“I was sleeping when the trade was announced. I woke up and saw 10 missed calls from Karl-Anthony. – Anthony Edwards

The Minnesota Timberwolves are starting a new cycle with the arrival of Rudy Gobert, and everyone seems super excited about his arrival in the starting lineup. We can’t wait to see what it will give, and how far Wolves can go in a well-seasoned Western Conference (like every year).

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