Iván Duque wants to take revenge on Venezuela

Maduro accused Duque
Photo: FANB Press

Nicolás Maduro insisted this Saturday that the president of Colombia, Iván Duque, “wants to take revenge” on his government and plans “terrorist attacks” against the military and officials of the Caribbean country.

“In his impotence, in his hatred and in his defeat, Iván Duque wants to take revenge on Venezuela, so keep your guard up,” Maduro asked the military during a promotion ceremony for 15,150 officers and professional troops of the Bolivarian National Armed Force and more than 90 generals and admirals, broadcast by the state channel Venezolana de Televisión (VTV).

The Venezuelan president accused Duque, again, of activating plans against Venezuelan officials. He said he had the evidence “in hand”, although he did not show it.

«In Colombia, it is already gone, it says goodbye forever and goes to the dump of history, Ivan Duke and continues to activate plans, we have the information in hand, for terrorist attacks against the Venezuelan electrical system, terrorist attacks against personalities and political and military leaders of Venezuela, “he said.

Maduro calls the military

After his complaints, he called on the Venezuelan military to show “love for the country” and to have “active guard” in defense of the country.

Already last May, Maduro accused his Colombian counterpart of being behind the attacks that have allegedly been perpetrated against the oil country’s refineries and electrical system.

“The refineries are being attacked by infiltrated enemies, hidden enemies, to harm our refining complexes, to harm our people. Behind that is the right, I denounce it, the wild right, the sell-out right, behind that are Iván Duque’s plans,” Maduro said then.

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On another occasion, Maduro also blamed Duque for activating “plans” to infiltrate criminals across the border shared by both nations with the aim of “attacking” the public security force, as well as ordering “a group of right-wing extremists » deepen «the terrorist attacks and the sabotage of social life and services» in the country.

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