Speaking to the media before the start of this year’s ISL, Kerala Blasters coach Ivan Vukamanovic said the following. Evan said at the time that they are getting all the points they can in December and that their goal is to fight for the shield in the second stage. Now the Blasters coach has put these words into practice.
At the end of the first phase of December, the Blasters were in third place with 22 points from 11 matches. In the last 7 matches, the Yellow Army is progressing unbeaten, including 6 wins and a draw. Blasters have only 5 points difference with Mumbai FC who are currently in first place. Blasters can easily reach the first position if they get a positive result when they face the leaders in the points table.
After winning the first match of the season, Blasters lost three matches in a row. Blasters started the game from there and won every match through proper coordination and climbed to the top of the points table. Kerala Blasters have 9 matches left in ISL.
Blasters’ match once morest Mumbai, who are at the first place in the points table, is on January 8. If they can beat them in the battle in Mumbai, the Blasters can win the ISL Shield for the first time. If so, the Blasters will qualify for the AFC Cup, which the team management stated as their main goal at the beginning of this season.