Ivan Cornejo in an interview with Vogue talks about Mirada, his new album

An anomaly is usually nothing more than an omen of a hopeless future, or the consequence of an unconscious past. Think of the word, for example, in a medical context: any discrepancy or defect in the human body or mind is a warning sign. Take the term to another setting: a deviation in the natural behavior of the climate, so to speak, announces complicated times arising from other, less cautious times. One can accommodate the word in many other contexts and the end result would point in the same direction. But there is an anomaly that seems to say the opposite. No, wait, an anomaly that seems to say the opposite, even with the spirit of its perception in its gut.

To say that Ivan Cornejo It is an anomaly in the music It might seem like just another hyperbole in the universe in which the same industry has cornered us for years. To affirm that his work, one that for at least five years has been related to the biggest phenomenon that has ever happened to Mexican musicis an exception to the rule, it seems like something that happens every day in an era full of shooting stars. But allowing such liberties in a case like his does not sound so far-fetched. Read one of his main motivations and you will understand what I am talking regarding: “I always felt that there was a lack of darkness in music, songs that make you think a lot while you feel them.”

It is said, perhaps more often than it really should be said, that time is a flat circle, that everything we have done and will do will be repeated over and over once more forever. Today I am here with a Ivan Cornejo who is maybe ten or twelve years younger than me, doing something I did a few days ago, a few weeks ago, a few months ago, and a few years ago. I’m here talking regarding emotions. “There are people who express themselves freely in their happy moments, but in life there is also sadness, melancholy, and pain. Darkness keeps you in touch with your emotions.”

It seems that the first anomaly is there. If one turns to listen to what those anomalies are, songs who are at the height of popularity, it is easy to spot it. In a world where celebration is the currency of exchange, finding someone so dedicated to the opposite is a kind of miracle. “It’s like an outlet, it’s like therapy for me,” he assures me regarding his songs, the same ones that might be part of a particular lineage that also includes characters like DannyLux, Junior H and Ivonne Galázthat makes tragedy something to embrace. “I feel like I wrote these songs expressing my feelings, and once I record them and listen to them once more, they become a peaceful release. They become something beautiful to me, situations I go back to and can see the chapter closed. I can feel the growth and progress.”



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