Iv/An – Victim of the Elements / Terrible Film

2023-09-21 20:35:25

von Katharina
am 21. September 2023
in Diverses, Featured

Iv/Ans fourth single appears Fat cocoa and is the final link in the series in which the performer and singer sings in his native Croatian. Most beautiful minimal wave with a catchy synth, sounding chilled, cool and danceable Victim of the Elements and the B-side Terrible movie (fett055).

Ivan Antunović is no stranger, he previously published under the name I/II on Totally Wired and on his own label Half Releases. Under the name of Iv/An This is the fourth time he has sung on recordings in his first language, Croatian. The Alex Reed voices on Victim of the Elements (dt. Victim of circumstances) and Terrible movie (dt. Horror movie) are by Popsimonova and Marko Golub. The record is limited to 200 copies and comes with a front cover collage by Frank Falckenhaus and the back cover typography by Ivan Antunović himself, a nice piece for the 7 inch and generally for any record collection.

Victim of the Elements b/w Terrible movie will be released on September 18th, 2023 as a vinyl single and digitally on Fettkakao, as well as on bandcamp. There will be a live performance and the single presentation at the Sissysound Record Store, Margaretenstraße 47, 1040 Vienna on September 23rd, 2023. The show is part of the Sissysound Cozy Concert series. Do not miss!

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#IvAn #Victim #Elements #Terrible #Film

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