Ius sòla, the Democratic Party reopens the citizenship war. Here’s why it’s useless –

Dario Martini

The Democratic Party has jumped on the bandwagon of the Italian team’s victories at the Olympics, which also came about thanks to athletes with parents of foreign origins like Paola Egonu, to argue that our country needs to change the law on citizenship, introducing ius soli, or the right to become Italian at birth. At the same time accusing the majority of being backward and of not wanting to recognize the rights of those who emigrate. For Elly Schlein, anyone born in Italy is Italian, period. No big deal, as in this way all those children born to mothers who have just disembarked from a boat in Sicily and who perhaps have no intention of staying in our country would also directly acquire citizenship. And it also matters little that in ten years of government they have never changed the law. The Democratic Party’s Sports manager, the deputy and former coach of the Italian volleyball team Mauro Berruto, has already made a leap forward, filing a motion on the sports ius soli reserved for athletes. But the debate is also inflaming the center-right, with Forza Italia opening up to discuss the issue, which in reality is not in favor of ius soli, but of ius culturae, or rather a path that favors the scholastic path in obtaining citizenship. The League, however, closes to any possibility of discussion on the issue: “The law on citizenship is fine as it is – we read in a note issued yesterday morning by the Carroccio – The numbers of concessions (Italy first in Europe with over 230 thousand citizenships issued, ahead of Spain and Germany) demonstrate it. There is no need for ius soli or shortcuts”. The League’s attack is frontal, because in the post published on social media an image appears in which it places the photo of Antonio Tajani next to that of Elly Schlein.
Forza Italia’s response came quickly: “We are for ius scholae at 10 years, we have always had this position, Berlusconi strongly supported it and Meloni also agreed. We know that it is not in the government agreement but we would like the members of the Northern League to be respectful of our positions. Attacking allies is always wrong but everyone has their own style”, says Raffaele Nevi, spokesman for the Azzurri. Parliamentary sources from Fratelli d’Italia explain that the issue is not on the government agenda. The Democratic Party and the opposition, who are crying scandal, are answered by the group leader in the Senate, Lucio Malan, who points out how illogical, as well as anachronistic, it is to connect Italy’s successes at the French Games with the issue of citizenship and ius soli: “Did those in the Democratic Party watch the Olympics before Paris? In London 2012, among the medalists, there were 8 Azzurri like Egonu”.

At this point the ball is in Parliament’s court. There will hardly be any changes in political line if FdI and Lega remain on their positions. Because Forza Italia’s historic support for ius scholae will not be able to lead to a structural agreement on this issue with the opposition. But the latter hopes to be able to wedge themselves into the differences of opinion of the center-right. “Forza Italia’s support for a regulation on ius scholae is excellent news. It is essential to seek convergence on this proposal. Let’s do it quickly”, is the invitation of the leader of Azione Carlo Calenda. “We can and must start again from ius scholae and ius culturae. Ius culturae is a norm of civilization and common sense, which has always been our hobbyhorse. It is good that there are openings even in the majority. Now Forza Italia must move from words to actions: declarations and tweets are not enough, we need laws in the Official Journal”, adds Raffaella Paita, national coordinator of Italia viva. The leader of the blue group in the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri, is the one who puts an early end to these hopes: “There is no controversy to be had in our coalition and there are no lessons to be imparted by the left. Even the latest events, including that of sports, demonstrate how our country is open and inclusive. The government program is clear.”

#Ius #sòla #Democratic #Party #reopens #citizenship #war #Heres #useless #Tempo
2024-08-15 10:32:38



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