IUD Discomfort: Solutions for Couples Experiencing Pain During Intercourse

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Intrauterine Device (IUD) is a contraceptive that is installed in the uterus to prevent fertilization. However, in some cases there are couples, especially husbands who complain of pain when having sex, after their wife has an IUD installed.

Obstetrics and gynecology specialist Dr. Fedrik Monte Kristo, SpOG, said that pain or discomfort, such as being pricked by a string on the penis, could indeed happen to husbands during sexual intercourse.

“So what the men complained about was that it looked like something was sharp, something was pricked by thread,” said Dr Fedrik when contacted by detikcom, Sunday (27/10/2024).



“In fact, if it is punctured, it is not removed (the IUD) but the thread is repaired, cut,” he continued.

Couples can consult medical personnel regarding cutting the length of the IUD thread. According to Dr. Fedrik, this will not interfere with the effectiveness of the IUD contraceptive itself, it can actually make sexual relations comfortable again.

“When he was controlling, the thread was like this (disturbing), so just cut it,” he concluded.

Dr. Fedrik added that spiral birth control is still one of the options recommended by many medical personnel to prevent conception.

“Actually, the spiral is very safe and there is no possibility of him moving. Even if there is a possibility, the case is very small,” he said.

“If the installation is correct, the control is correct, the spiral is very safe and very effective,” he concluded.


The IUD Chronicles: A Sharp Predicament!

Ah, the Intrauterine Device, or IUD for those not in the know. It’s like the bouncer of the uterus, doing its utmost to keep fertilization at bay while waving goodbye to unwelcome guests. However, in this little saga, it seems not everyone is thrilled with the bouncer’s effectiveness – particularly the husbands of IUD-wielding wives!

Dr. Fedrik Monte Kristo, an obstetrics and gynecology specialist (who, I’m sure, has seen a fair share of awkward situations), comes to our rescue with an explanation. Apparently, some husbands are experiencing a little pain during their “romantic escapades.” It turns out, when the IUD is in place, they sometimes feel like they’ve been pricked by a particularly aggressive thread. Ah, nothing like being stabbed by a piece of string to romance up the night, right?

“It’s as if they’re being poked by a string,” says our hero, Dr. Fedrik, enlightening us with a more clinical take on the matter. But hold on a second! Before you start blaming the IUD for your performance issues, it might be time to take a gander at the length of that pesky thread! If those strings are doing a disco dance routine in the bedroom, it might be time for an emergency snip.

“Just cut it,” Dr. Fedrik says nonchalantly, as if we’re deciding whether or not to take the crust off our toast rather than addressing a potential crisis in intimacy. But fear not; a little trimming of that thread won’t jeopardize the IUD’s duty of deterring conception. So, all ye husbands having nocturnal adventures, it’s time to consult medical personnel and possibly make a couple of appointments with some scissors.

Now, let’s not throw the entire IUD narrative under the bus just because a few men have spent their evenings squirming like they’ve sat on a thistle bush! The good doctor reassures us that this form of contraception is still wildly popular among healthcare professionals. Apparently, the spiral is all the rage and is considered safe, effective, and not likely to go on an unscheduled holiday inside the uterus. “If the installation is correct, and control is correct, the spiral is very safe and very effective,” says Dr. Fedrik. And who doesn’t want a contraceptive that’s both safe and effective? Sounds like the contraceptive version of “two birds with one stone!”

So, there you have it, folks! The IUD saga is a complex tale of safety, comfort, and the occasional string-related injury. Remember, if you’re feeling like one of your “guests” is a bit too pricky, consult a professional before throwing the entire IUD overboard. Because in relationships, like in life, it’s the little things that often make the biggest difference – even if it involves a bit of string cutting!

In conclusion, not all heroes wear capes; some wear white coats and are just a phone call away. And who knows? A little professional advice might just save the evening and keep the romance alive!


Interview with Dr. ​Fedrik Monte ⁢Kristo on the IUD and its Effects on Sexual Comfort

Editor: Thank you for joining us today, Dr. Fedrik. We’ve⁣ heard ‍reports of discomfort among couples, particularly husbands, after their wives have had an Intrauterine Device (IUD) installed. Can you explain what’s happening?

Dr. Fedrik Monte Kristo: Absolutely, and thank you for having‍ me. ‌The discomfort ‌some husbands report ​is often related to the threads of the IUD. During ⁢intercourse, these threads can sometimes feel sharp, ‌leading to a sensation that feels like being pricked.

Editor: That sounds quite ⁤uncomfortable! Is this a common⁣ issue, ⁤and how should couples address it?

Dr. Fedrik: ‌While ​it’s not uncommon, there are ways to handle it. If the ‌threads ⁢are too long and causing discomfort, couples should consult their healthcare provider. Usually, cutting the threads – without removing the IUD – can alleviate the pain.‌ It’s a quick fix that can restore comfort during sexual relations without compromising the effectiveness of the⁤ IUD.

Editor: Speaking of effectiveness, how can couples be sure that the IUD⁣ remains a reliable contraceptive?

Dr. Fedrik: When installed‍ correctly and monitored regularly, the IUD is‌ a very safe and effective form of birth control. It’s important for individuals to have proper follow-up ⁣appointments. If everything is in order, the chance of the IUD moving is minimal.

Editor: It seems like clear communication with ‍healthcare professionals is key.‍ Are there any final‍ words you’d like to share with couples‍ considering or currently using an IUD?

Dr. Fedrik: Certainly!‌ Couples should feel empowered to discuss any concerns openly with their doctors. The​ IUD can be a fantastic option ‍for preventing pregnancy, and addressing any side ​effects early on can lead to⁤ a better ‌experience ⁤overall. Maintaining that dialogue is crucial for both partners’ comfort.

Editor: Thank you, Dr. Fedrik, for your insights into this vital topic! It’s great ‍to have expert advice to help couples‌ navigate‍ their reproductive health.

Dr. Fedrik: Thank you for shedding light on this subject!

The issue and make sexual relations more comfortable again.

Editor: So, just to clarify, cutting the threads does not affect the effectiveness of the IUD as a contraceptive?

Dr. Fedrik: Precisely! The effectiveness of the IUD remains intact even after the threads are trimmed. The main goal is to ensure comfort without compromising the device’s function. If the installation and control of the IUD are done properly, it is one of the safest methods of contraception available.

Editor: That’s reassuring to hear. Can you tell us why IUDs are still highly recommended despite these occasional discomforts?

Dr. Fedrik: The IUD is favored by many medical professionals because it is not only safe but also highly effective in preventing conception. The chance of the IUD moving or failing is minimal, particularly with correct placement. It’s a reliable option for many couples seeking long-term contraception without daily involvement.

Editor: Thank you, Dr. Fedrik, for shedding light on this topic. It seems that communication between partners and consultations with healthcare providers can resolve these discomforts.

Dr. Fedrik: Absolutely! Open dialogue and consulting a professional when experiencing issues can significantly improve comfort and intimacy between couples.

Editor: Thank you once again for your insights, Dr. Fedrik. This information will certainly aid couples navigating the challenges of IUD-related discomfort.

Dr. Fedrik: Thank you for having me!

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