Ituri at a Crossroads: Luboya Sounds Alarm to Nangaa as AFC/M23 Hostilities Escalate – ‘We’re Ready

Faced with the almost permanent and imminent threats from the Congo River Alliance of the March 23 Movement, AFC/M23 in Ituri, Lieutenant-General Luboya N’kashama Johnny, military governor of this province under siege for more than 3 years, says he is ready for any eventuality.

In an audio sequence widely relayed on the social network WhatsApp by close members of the special administration in Ituri and consulted by this Friday, September 6, 2024, Luboya warns Corneille Nangaa, leader of the AFC.

“You yourselves followed the message of Nangaa… He said: my Iturian brothers, wait for me, I am coming to you. Nangaa, you have no brothers here. Here, there are only Congolese, Iturians who are all together. You come with foreigners and you say: my brothers. You have no brothers here, your brothers are those with whom you are here, stay with them. So, we are ready to respond to any eventuality,” said the provincial authority firmly.

Luboya N’kashama is counting on the unity of the Ituri communities to stifle and defeat the threats of Corneille Nangaa. For the commander of operations, it is only a dream to hope to reach Ituri.

“And today, we are very happy because we are with all the communities,” he rejoices. “The rest, he (Nangaa) just has to daydream, it is not our problem,” he notes.

For some time now, more and more messages denouncing or discouraging an alleged collaboration between certain armed groups in Ituri, including Zaire with the AFC/M23, have continued to rise. In this same process, certain political actors and notables have been arrested for reasons of investigation.

Possible military training camps set up in Ituri to train young recruits, presumed members of the M23, are even in certain corners of Ituri, according to certain sources. Reference is made in particular to the first results of an investigation by a military justice team just after the sad incidents of Tchomia, near Lake Albert, on the border with neighboring Uganda.

On social networks and in the media, opinion leaders in Ituri are developing communication strategies aimed at urging communities and armed groups to “turn their backs” on offers from the AFC/M23, considered the number 1 enemy of the entire Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), because it is allied with Rwanda.

In the meantime, Ituri is still facing the activism, albeit reduced, of the ADF terrorist movement, on the side of the territories of Irumu and Mambasa. The armed groups CODECO, Zaire… still constitute another form of insecurity for the civilian population, because they still hold firearms despite the signing of acts of unilateral commitment for peace and the efforts of the military administration under a state of siege in Ituri.

In North Kivu, a province also under siege like Ituri, in addition to the city of Bunagana, the M23 controls several other localities. Despite several attempts at a ceasefire or negotiation, the situation remains “unchanged”.

Kinshasa has never stopped accusing Kigali, mainly President Paul Kagame, of supporting the M23 and its allies. Tshisekedi is still waiting for strong sanctions from the international community on the Kagame regime for its contribution to the destabilization of the eastern part of the country.


2024-09-06 15:38:34
#Ituri #threat #AFCM23 #Luboya #warns #Nangaa #ready

Here are‍ some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title ⁤*The Imminent Threat of AFC/M23 ‌in Ituri:‌ Lieutenant-General Luboya N’kashama Johnny Stands Ready*:

The Imminent⁣ Threat of AFC/M23 in Ituri: Lieutenant-General Luboya N’kashama Johnny‍ Stands Ready

In ⁢the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the province of Ituri ‌has been⁣ under siege ⁤for over three years, facing ‍constant threats from the Congo River Alliance ‌of the March ​23 Movement, also known as AFC/M23.‍ Lieutenant-General ‍Luboya N’kashama Johnny, the military governor of Ituri, has ‌declared his readiness to respond to any eventuality in the face⁢ of these threats.

In a recent audio ⁢sequence⁤ shared on WhatsApp, Luboya warned Corneille‌ Nangaa, the leader of AFC/M23, stating that‌ Nangaa has no brothers in Ituri, but⁣ rather allies himself with foreigners. Luboya ‍emphasized that the Iturian communities are united⁢ and ready to respond to any threat from AFC/M23. [[1]]

The AFC/M23,⁢ considered the number one‌ enemy⁢ of the⁢ DRC due to its ⁣alliance with Rwanda, has been attempting⁢ to ‌infiltrate Ituri through alleged collaborations‌ with local armed groups, including Zaire. However, messages denouncing these collaborations have been on the rise, and​ some political actors and ‌notables have been arrested for investigation. [[2]]

Moreover, possible military training camps have ​been set up in Ituri to train young recruits, presumed ⁤to be members of the M23. ⁢This‌ information comes from the first results of an investigation by a military justice team conducted after the ‍incidents in Tchomia, near Lake Albert, on the border with neighboring⁢ Uganda.

Opinion leaders in Ituri have been developing communication strategies to urge communities and armed⁤ groups to reject offers from the AFC/M23.‍ In addition, ‍Ituri is still facing the reduced activism of‍ the ADF terrorist movement and the presence of armed groups such as CODECO and Zaire, which continue ‍to pose a‌ threat to the civilian population⁣ despite signing acts of unilateral commitment for peace.

In North Kivu, another province under ⁢siege, the M23 controls several localities, including the city⁣ of Bunagana. Despite repeated attempts at a ceasefire, the situation remains volatile.

In the midst of these threats, Lieutenant-General Luboya N’kashama Johnny is counting on the unity of the Ituri communities to stifle and defeat the threats ‍of ⁢Corneille Nangaa ‌and the AFC/M23. With the province under siege, the military governor’s ​message of readiness is a beacon of hope for the people of Ituri.


[1],⁢ [2], [3]

Keyword optimization:



Lieutenant-General Luboya N’kashama Johnny

Corneille Nangaa

Democratic Republic of Congo‌ (DRC)


North ‍Kivu

⁢ Bunagana

ADF terrorist movement



‌Military governor


Unity​ of Iturian⁤ communities

* Threats to Ituri

Congo genocide 2023

M23 Rebels: A Threat to the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been plagued by the March 23 Movement (M23) rebels, who have been wreaking havoc in the eastern part of the country. The M23, an armed group with alleged links to Rwanda, has been a significant threat to the stability of the DRC. In recent months, the group has made significant gains, capturing key towns and territories, including the mining town of Rubaya, known for producing a key mineral used in smartphones [[1]].

The M23’s actions have led to the displacement of thousands of people, with over 180,000 people forced to flee their homes after the Congolese Army withdrew from the area[[[3]]. The group’s presence has also led to the formation of a state of siege in Ituri, a province that has been under siege for over three years.

Lieutenant-General Luboya N’kashama Johnny, the military governor of Ituri, has warned Corneille Nangaa, the leader of the AFC, that the people of Ituri are united against the M23’s threats. In a statement relayed on social media, Luboya N’kashama emphasized that the people of Ituri are Congolese and Iturians, and that the M23’s attempts to divide them will not succeed [[2]].

The M23’s actions have not gone unnoticed, with Uganda and Rwanda accused of backing the rebels [[2]]. A UN report has alleged that Uganda is supporting the M23, while Rwanda has approximately 4,000 troops on Congolese soil [[2]].

The Congolese government has been working to address the M23’s presence, with military operations underway to drive the group out of the country. However, the M23’s presence remains a significant threat to the stability of the DRC.

In addition to the M23, other armed groups such as the ADF terrorist movement and CODECO, Zaire, among others, continue to pose a threat to the civilian population. The signing of acts of unilateral commitment for peace and the efforts of the military administration under a state of siege in Ituri have not been enough to guarantee peace in the region.

The international community has called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, with the United Nations and other organizations working to support the Congolese government in addressing the M23’s presence. The situation in the DRC remains dire, with the M23’s actions constituting a significant threat to regional stability.

the M23’s presence in the Democratic Republic of Congo is a significant threat to the stability of the country. The group’s actions have led to the displacement of thousands of people, and their presence remains a concern for regional security. The Congolese government and the international community must work together to address the M23’s presence and ensure peace and stability in the region.



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