It’s too late.. The young doctor and his fiancée’s last outing in Assiut

Written by Ehab Al-Mohandes

Wednesday, March 22, 2023 11:00 PM

At first sight, the young doctor, “K.A,” found his life partner, “J.H.” After he saw her and talked to her, and learned of her noble morals, he spoke to himself and said, “She is my second half.”

The young doctor hinted to the one whose heart chose her, that he wanted her to be lawful, and the noble feelings reciprocated him and he decided to go and propose to her from her father. The good manners of the young doctor made the bride’s family accept him as a bride for their honorable daughter.

Joy and happiness overwhelmed the bride, so how can she not rejoice when she found the person whom she trusts in her life and feels affection and safety with him? The families of the newlyweds gathered and a date was set for the engagement ceremony.

The engagement took place in the midst of a gathering of family and loved ones, and after a few days the newlyweds began preparing the marital nest. The doctor always consulted his fiancée on the smallest details about the marital apartment’s furnishings and decorations.

The doctor and his fiancée agreed to go to the city of Assiut, which is minutes away from their place of residence, to buy some of the necessities of their apartment, but they did not know that this meeting was The last meeting Which will bring them together, and in an instant the steering wheel is misplaced in the hands of the doctor and their car falls in the Ibrahimi canal, so that their lives end in an instant.

The newlyweds left together, leaving a state of sadness among their friends and family, as their place of residence became black over their separation.

On the 20th of March, the Assiut-Cairo Agricultural Road witnessed the tragedy of Doctor Bushra and his fiancée, after their car fell in the Ibrahimi canal near the village of Bani Zaid.

Immediately after the accident occurred, the security services and ambulances moved, and the river rescue forces were able to recover the two bodies and transfer them to the morgue of Al-Qusia Central Hospital.

The two bodies were sent to their final resting place.

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