“It’s so gross!” Ugly game items that you don’t want to use even if they’re given to you : ZUM News

Items are a significant element that constitute a game. The design and functionality of items greatly influence the player’s experience, and well-crafted, aesthetically pleasing items can hold considerable value, sometimes trading for hundreds of dollars in real life.

For instance, the ‘Burning Flame Team Commander’s Hat’ from Team Fortress 2, despite being merely a cosmetic item, was sold for approximately 15 million won due to its impressive burning effect and rarity.

Conversely, there are items that are so unattractive and unappealing that one would hesitate to use them even if gifted for free. Among these, I have selected items that perform well but are avoided due to their unsightly appearance.

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

When discussing ‘gross items’, one cannot ignore ‘Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’. Skyrim features an essential system known as ‘alchemy’ that allows players to create potions with various beneficial effects. By combining ingredients, a potion is produced that matches the effects of the components. At first glance, this seems straightforward, but the real issue lies with the ingredients. While some are ordinary, such as ‘garlic’ and ‘salmon’, there are also repulsive options like ‘human flesh’, ‘hearts’, ‘giant’s toes’, and ‘hagraven claws’, which you might not want to include in your inventory. Since each ingredient has a distinct effect, if the one that provides the desired outcome looks revolting, players must gather it, often with reluctance.

Game Donga

Troll Fat that makes your mouth water just looking at it

The item that most startled me was ‘Troll Fat’. It has a texture that falls somewhere between a thin liquid and a solid, with some lumpy parts that are quite off-putting.

The trolls in Skyrim are formidable creatures, and consequently, the effects of this item are quite powerful. It provides one of the few enhancements for two-handed weapons in the game, and only three material items in the main game offer this effect. (I still find it hard to drink potions made from troll fat.)

Game Donga

Navigator’s head

In ‘The Secret of Monkey Island’, often regarded as a cornerstone of point-and-click adventure games, there exists a rather disturbing item. The main character possesses the ‘Navigator’s Head’, which is literally just a human head. This head, as frail as a mummy, opens its eyes and stares at the protagonist, an unsettling sight.

However, it cannot simply be discarded. This item is crucial for navigating the maze throughout the game. When the protagonist enters the maze, the head spins like a compass, indicating the direction. Despite being grateful for the assistance, its appearance makes it hard to accept.

Game Donga

Carry it like this

Additionally, the monkey head, shedding blood-like tears against the dark backdrop of the game cover, might lead one to suspect it’s a horror game. Yet, surprisingly, it is a comedic adventure filled with various wordplay and gags.

Game Donga

The Mad King’s Book

In the high-difficulty action RPG ‘Dark Souls 3’, which offers a plethora of weapons, there is a grotesque item containing embedded remains. The ‘Mad King’s Book of Death’, found in the Ringed City DLC, is a large axe spear with a trendy arm bone dangling from the spear shaft and a skull integrated into the axe portion. When employed in combat, the remains are momentarily animated, causing the arm bone to move around, creating an eerie atmosphere.

The weapon’s performance is as impressive as its grotesque appearance. When executing a combat technique, it triggers a random effect among ‘Roar’, ‘Protection’, and ‘Curse’, with ‘Curse’ being particularly unique. When activated, ‘Curse’ causes a black sphere to follow the user, which eventually explodes, dealing significant damage to surrounding entities.

This damage can be evaded through Dark Soul’s universal skill ‘Roll’, allowing for strategic play and potential one-sided damage. Furthermore, due to its dark attribute attacks, the weapon is often referred to as the ‘best axe’. It pairs well with other enchantments, but its appearance still makes it a challenging choice for many players.

Game Donga

The insect gon that first appeared in Monster Hunter 4

For players who detest insects, the ‘Insect Glaive’ from the Monster Hunter series stands out as an undesirable weapon. Although its design and details vary among the series, the name ‘Insect Glaive (assistant insect and club)’ reflects its long club and the hunting insects (such as leaf insects) that circle around the player, akin to using insects instead of a hunting falcon.

This weapon requires players to collect ‘fluid’ from enemies after dispatching bugs, thus making it inseparable from the creatures themselves, which are quite off-putting. They are often larger than anticipated, and their proximity during gameplay can be startling. Many players have voiced their frustration, stating, “The weapon is enjoyable, but the bugs are too revolting to use.”

The ‘Insect Gon’ has received considerable negative feedback as the series has advanced, yet when it was first introduced in Monster Hunter 4, it was lauded as the best weapon for its various advantages, including performing a step attack on flat ground and its high damage output.

User-centered game journal – Game Donga (game.donga.com)

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Exploring the Most Unappealing Yet Powerful Items in Video Games

Items are integral to the gaming experience; they shape gameplay, enhance character performance, and define aesthetic appeal. From rare collectibles to high-performing gear, the value of in-game items can reach astronomical heights, with some being traded for thousands of dollars. A prime example is the ‘Burning Flame Team Commander’s Hat’ from Team Fortress 2, which sold for about 15 million won due to its stunning visual effects and rarity. However, not all items are aesthetically pleasing. In fact, some possess incredible capabilities but are shunned by players because of their grotesque designs. Here, we explore several such items that, while powerful, are visually unsettling.

Game Item Disgusting Features Performance
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Troll Fat Unsettling texture, lumpy parts Enhances two-handed weapons
The Secret of Monkey Island Navigator’s Head Mummified human head, creepy eyes Acts as a compass
Dark Souls 3 Mad King’s Book of Death Embedded remains, horror aesthetic Random special effects during combat
Monster Hunter Series Insect Glaive Insect companions, unsettling sight High damage output and agility

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – The Alchemy Dilemma

In the realm of Skyrim, the alchemy system offers players a complex way to utilize ingredients for potion-making. While ingredients like garlic and salmon feel familiar and non-threatening, others linger in the realm of horror. Items such as ‘human flesh,’ ‘heart,’ and the infamous ‘hagraven claw’ send shivers down the spine. One standout ingredient is ‘Troll Fat,’ which has an unsettling mix of textures that appear either thin and liquid or chunky. Despite its repulsiveness, it’s crucial for crafting potent potions.

The Benefits of Using Troll Fat

  • Enhances two-handed weapons, making it a valuable asset for combat.
  • Rarely available, thus adding to its uniqueness.
  • Powers some of the game’s most potent potions despite its ghastly appearance.

The Secret of Monkey Island – The Navigator’s Head

In the classic point-and-click adventure The Secret of Monkey Island, players encounter the ‘Navigator’s Head,’ a human skull that opens its eyes and ominously observes the protagonist. Despite being a necessary item for navigating the treacherous maze, its appearance can be quite unsettling. This item highlights how a game can balance horror elements with comedic relief.

Using the Navigator’s Head Effectively

  • Acts as a compass that points in the right direction.
  • Adds a layer of dark humor to the gameplay.
  • Helps the player progress through complex mazes.

Dark Souls 3 – A Weapon with a Gruesome Design

Dark Souls 3 is well-known for its challenging combat mechanics, but some items stand out more for their gruesome designs than their utility. The ‘Mad King’s Book of Death’ features a large axe-like spear embedded with horrifying remnants, evoking a true sense of dread. Shockingly, this terrifying weapon excels in gameplay performance, offering random effects such as ‘Roar,’ ‘Protection,’ and ‘Curse.’

Unique Qualities of the Mad King’s Weapon

  • Deals damage with three different effects, enhancing versatility in combat.
  • ‘Curse’ effect creates a damaging sphere, adding strategic depth to engagements.
  • Mixes well with enchantments, making it a favorite among skilled players.

Monster Hunter Series – The Insect Glaive

The Insect Glaive has become notorious among players who feel a strong aversion to insects. Featured in Monster Hunter 4, this weapon comes with the unsettling presence of bug companions that assist in questing and combat. Although it can deliver impressive hits and offers agile gameplay, many players find it challenging to overcome the grotesque design of the associated insects.

Pros and Cons of Using the Insect Glaive

  • Fast-paced and agile combat experience.
  • High damage output coupled with unique abilities.
  • Many players express discomfort due to insect proximity during gameplay.

The Case for Aesthetic Discomfort in Gaming

It’s essential to recognize that the items discussed are more than merely eye candy. They play integral roles in gameplay mechanics and character development. Their grotesque aesthetics can create a memorable contrast against their functionalities, enhancing player engagement and immersiveness. Here’s how:

  • Tension and Fear: Disgusting items add tension, making players more invested in the game.
  • Unique Narrative Elements: Strange items often come tied to unique backstories and lore, enriching the game world.
  • Player Psychology: The push and pull of needing something useful that is unpleasant enhances emotional connections with the game.

Practical Tips for Managing Aesthetic Discomfort

  • Focus on the performance: Remember the benefits the item brings; they often outweigh visual setbacks.
  • Use community resources: Check guides or forums for discussions relating to item effectiveness and for strategies on how to use them less distractively.
  • Shift your perception: Try to circulate the item in different contexts within gameplay, which might help reduce its initial creepiness.

First-Hand Experiences

Many players have shared their experiences encountering these grotesque items. For instance, users express that while the ‘Navigator’s Head’ in The Secret of Monkey Island is visually disturbing, it nonetheless provides crucial navigation that can be satisfying when the maze is conquered. Similarly, players of Dark Souls 3 often mention rewarding combat moments that outweigh any initial revulsion with ‘Mad King’s Book of Death.’



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