“It’s outrageous,” said Governor Omar Gutiérrez after the Nación’s decision

2023-06-07 14:37:15

The governor of Neuquén Omar Gutiérrez raised harsh questions about the decision that was made public yesterday regarding the instruction of the national government to Enarsa to take control of the hydroelectric plants. “I had breakfast today with the news and it seems outrageous to me”, defined the provincial leader during his presentation at the 2023 Energy Days of the RÍO NEGRO newspaper.

As the Government had already anticipated, the operation of the hydroelectric dams on the Limay and Neuquén rivers will remain in the hands of the national State. It was learned that Energía Argentina Sociedad Anónima (Enarsa) was instructed to take control.

In a note, the National Energy Secretary, Flavia Royón, addressed to Agustín Gerez, director of the state company, indicated that this provision was adopted before “the imminent expiration of the concession contracts for the generation of electrical energy in the Hydroelectric Complexes”.

In a note, the National Energy Secretary, Flavia Royón, addressed to Agustín Gerez, director of the state company, indicated that this provision was adopted before “the imminent expiration of the concession contracts for the generation of electrical energy in the Hydroelectric Complexes”.

note in development

#outrageous #Governor #Omar #Gutiérrez #Nacións #decision

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