Hello, good evening. I am going to tell you something that worries me and that is the fact that my paternal great-grandparents came from Spain to Havana in 1898. They settled in Old Havana on Monte Street #12, my great-grandmother brought in her womb to my grandmother, of course she was born in Havana on November 9, 1896. My grandmother married in 1919, and they had 6 children, one of them my father. My great-grandparents came from Lugo, Galicia. When the Spanish citizenship since my father had died and all my uncles, in addition to other relatives who might offer me information regarding my Family. In any case, I began to try to investigate the National Archive of Havana, which is in Compostela, to see if I might acquire a document with the entry of my great-grandparents. I only obtained a small report regarding my great-grandfather Manuel Martínez Seijo, who said he came from Lugo, who was 30 years old, and was a merchant. This document was from the year 1900 and corresponded to the census carried out in that year. I have a literal birth registration for my grandmother where it appears that her parents, paternal and maternal grandparents were all from Spain. At some point I spoke with a lawyer and he told me that the Treaty of Paris in its immigration sections states that all The children of Spaniards born during the Colony were Spanish, so Cuba was a colony of Spain. I have the documents regarding my grandmother’s birth, marriage, and death. If the Paris treaty is valid then I am the granddaughter of Spaniards. So I need Please guide me because I don’t have any documents regarding my great-grandparents. I have written to Spain on several occasions and they tell me that Lugo has 67 municipalities, etc. My sister and I want to have Spanish nationality. Can you help us? Where should we go? Awaiting your response Thank you for your help
#official #Spain #extends #Grandsons #law